
Debate Info

Evolution Creationism
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Evolution (6)
 Creationism (11)

Debate Creator

Emperor(1348) pic

Art of War tip #1: Know your enemy

If you are serious about wanting to know the truth, then you must truly know your enemy better than yourself. It is wise to know yourself as well, but for now, let us engage in drawing up a strategy.


On the evolution column, only Creationists can add arguments. Creationists must fully defend evolution and explain why it is true. There can be no holds barred. If you are deceptive and give a faulty explanation- you will be slaughtered in the field. We do not want that, so true warriors will admit when an enemy is stronger than they are, so that creationism itself can adapt to the enemy, and thus beat him.

Of course, it goes the other way as well. Atheists must explain creationism as best as they can. Despite the lack of evidence of a god, if evolution could not have happened, then HOW ELSE could all the animals and humans be on Earth today? Of course, a decent explanation would be helpful, along with evidence.

Research and experiments pave the way to truth. If you can't understand the enemy, how can you hope to beat him? You would look like a fool if you thought evolution worked how it does in pokemon, just as an atheist would look like a fool if he said creationism happened in 7 hours, instead of days, as certain holy books say. Get your facts straight, or you will be mocked horribly.


Explain the opponent's side, or surrender.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 11

Why does there have to be enemies, why cant evolution be the process of an intelligent force? Why cant we have both? If there is a single creator, or any type of intelligent force don't you think it would be smart enough as to be the greatest scientist in the universe? Chemistry, biology, physics, "non material" science.

Have you ever thought that maybe we aren't physical but rather just conscious energy? This would easily explain why people in the past were able to do what they did because it isn't something that is externally testable, its an internal thing, a human thing, and we may have had some bad superstitions back then but imagine the stuff we experienced if all we did as a species was worship nature and connect to it, do you really scoff at such an idea that we can't be in tune with nature when we are a direct product of it?

You all say we need proof, external results, observations, tests. We have tons and tons of evidence of things that happened that we could not explain as a developing species but whatever we experienced still remains, its a scientific process we were using but instead of being in a lab, we were doing it with our bodies.

Just because in the past we didnt know how to explain what was going on doesnt mean it wasnt happening, we just interpreted it in a primitive way, but we have lost our sense of what that is because we brush it off as "fairy tales and myths" But a deep part in all of us knows that its true, it knows that there is more out there, thats our subconscious speaking, thats our genetics evolutionary codes speaking to us, telling us, screaming at us: Why have you lost your will to explore???

Sure, we have neuroscience, but its still doing external tests and its not actually applying the results directly to an experience that we can subjugate upon ourselves, which is what we need to do to truly advance, because if we do, then everyone will want to explore it further, and the science community would grow very fast, and we would evolve even faster as a species.

so while you and many other atheists may say it's not possible, thats one of the parts to evolving these "powers" is the will to believe and apply it and not wait for tests, because you all know that somewhere inside you your consciousness is screaming "EXPERIENCE ME IN A DIFFERENT STATE" Our consciousness is sick of being in a waking state permanently, our consciousness NEEDS to explore other states of consciousness, and you know what we as a species have done? We have made that illegal.

Right, timothy leary kind of ruined it for us all, and so did the newspapers and logging companies, but they are just people like us, and we need to learn one thing: To not abuse our different states of mind, and to not blow it al off altogether and be stuck in material gains because that ruins the evolution of our consciousness as a whole when we neglect it and abuse it.

We as a species need to remember our roots, and go back to incorporating psychedelics into our lives and culture, because our inner selves are dying to have it back, so that it can evolve higher, and the huge majority of us are denying it strongly, and we dont even want to deny it strongly, other people want to hold us back from evolving.

So i may have gone off on a rant there, and swayed a little off topic, but it all relates to a higher source that we are a direct part of and its telling us: What the hell are you doing why are you neglecting the amazing abilities we have?

Side: Evolution
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

What amazing abilities?

I see nothing besides the ability to think, love, create, invent, explore, discover, learn and build things.

I try to remain seated in reality, and limit my abilities to things like that, rather than magical levitation and living forever and all this weird stuff.

Side: Creationism
1 point

Im talking about reality, its the feeling thats real, the feeling of "knowing" What someone else is thinking, having a direct link to someone else is a real thing, being able to finish each others sentences is a real thing. Sure the tests and results may not always be the same results every time, but its still observable and testable.

With psychedelics back in the community and exploring different states of consciousness, we can vastly improve our abilities to think, love, create, invent, explore, discover, learn and build things by 10000%, especially if we were all exploring different states of mind because at this point its not evolving "super powers" its evolving ideas and seeing results happen in very real ways.

Noone would scoff at ideas, we would build onto ideas until the ideas blew into something that would drastically alter the way our species develops.

We can read minds through machines, pick up frequencies of peoples thoughts and even see what they are thinking. And thats with a simple machine we built, do you not believe that our brain isnt capable of doing the same thing? The most powerful thing we know of and yet noone gives it credit for being able to do what man made machines can do.

The amazing abilities i speak of are the connection we feel to everything around us, its intoxicating, empowering, its life changing, its overwhelming, its beautiful.

Side: Evolution
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

Also, you failed the point of this debate. You just argued for YOUR side.

What you should have done is questioned your own beliefs in writing, as if you were atheist. For you, you could go both ways, but the way you went was not outside yourself, but rather just reciting your own beliefs.

Stepping outside the box and thinking of how other people view the world allow you to expand your mind.

If what you were saying wasn't real, if magic and the supernatural and ultimate reality, supreme consciousness and all this voodoo stuff you talk about was not real, then describe the world and life.

How would it be if you were wrong?

Side: Creationism

If i was wrong about all of this stuff then i would call myself a looney bin, but i cant do that because i have had connections on a deep level with people, i always know what people are thinking, i pick up vibes everywhere i go, so even if i dont believe in an afterlife or a god, the reality of what i experience is still there, i have stepped outside the box and questioned my views of reality because i can directly experience them. Im not talking about magic and supernatural "demons and angels" Im talking about going into a different state of consciousness, and seeing these things because thats the way they are interpreted by the mind, but when you learn to interpret them into the real world you come up with things like if you see demons, then what you have been doing, whatever it is, is obviously not good because its a state of fear.

I didnt argue just for my side, i argued for the whole of reality, i literally can not understand how people dont think we are all connected at all, when we have so many waves, frequencies, energies, and all of this emanating from each other, and spreading out, we can pick these things up, we can read energies from other people, you can literally pick up vibes in a room, but you have to train yourself in these things, its like muscles, you cant life heavier objects until you start working out.

And if im wrong about all these things? Then i must be highly insane, and just imagining these things, and none of it is real and im stuck in a fantasy world, but i cant say that, even if i force myself to believe that none of this is real, i just cant, i literally can not do it, because that to me is disregarding every very very real experience i have had with other people, and i just cant force myself to convince my brain that its not real, not even for the sake of arguing against it, i can try, but whenever i try, as you can see, this happens

Side: Creationism
1 point

The truth is that we are speaking in absolutes when there still stands a possibility that both are correct. Until one can fully be

Discredited accurately we cannot fully stand as one side as being valid and the other invalid. It's to bad we won't know until death...or more advanced form of science to breakthrough this barrier.

Side: Evolution
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

No? Evidence points towards evolution. You are basically saying "My idea should be considered, because might be correct", when it certainly could be correct, but there is no evidence. You are basically begging people to accept your idea without proof or evidence.

We are not speaking in absolutes. You are saying your idea is correct, despite the utter lack of convincing evidence.

Side: Creationism

Evolution and creationism are not dichotomous. One can fully believe in both consistently. One deals with the creation of life, the other the development of it.

Side: Creationism
1 point

lets try this.

Evolution is dead on its feet, It is so full of holes it makes my sieve appear solid.

The Geologic Column.

An illustration of the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems . However only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys a portion of the geologic column.

The claim it forms a continuum of rock/life/timeā€¦over the earth is nothing more than an imaginative contrivance.

The lack of transitional fossils that havn't been found is because, THEY DON'T EXIST.

Earths Magnetic Field.

Dr. Thomas Barnes, Professor of Physics at the University of Texas has using scientific observations since 1829 Shown the Magnetic field decays at an exponential rate, its half-life is shown to be around 1,400 years. therefore its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Atoms could not behave in the manner necessary for the formation of life. It therefore follows that life must have came much later than this, putting an end to the theory of evolution over million of years.

Noah's Flood .

there are hundreds if not thousands of flood stories handed down through cultures all over the world which in turn is backed up by the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. scientific reports show rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers by examining these layers it can be shown that this Biblical flood was a historical fact.

Human population.

the human population expands at a rate of lets say 1%, half that of what it does now, then lets say every 100 years or so we lose over a third of that to the usual, war, pestilencee, famine, global catastrophess etc, we would, using estimates for the great flood 4500 to 5000 years ago have a population using 8 people, of around 6 Billion however if we go back to just twice that time the population would be several magnitudes greater than what it is now.

The living cell

A living cell is so complex that its defies evolutionary explanations. the odds of all the necessary components coming together to form it is like 10 to the power of 4.5 million to 1

For more information and even more evidence debunking the theory of evolution go to

God is truly great in his wisdom and his love, eternal.

Side: Creationism
1 point

I belive in creationism, in God. But I respect and understand Evolution though, i understand why they think what they think.

Side: Creationism
Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

Then why not explain it?

If you truly understood it as well as those who actually do support it do, then you should be able to come up with an adequate explanation as modorichie certainly tried to do.

Side: Evolution

You would look like a fool if you thought evolution worked how it does in pokemon

Wait, WHAT!? It doesn't!? I've been wrong my whole life???!!!

Please check out my 100% scientifically verified, scientific conclusions from a purely scientific website:

Speciation is false! : Die Speciation!

Darwinism = garbage! : Darwinism false!

It is impossible to dispute or the discovery institute because they are certified (by no one) as 100% reputable organizations. Therefore I am right and you are wrong, no matter what pseudo scientific sources you site.

Side: Creationism

War is evil. Jesus said that the peacemakers are the children of God. There should not be anymore wars.

Side: Creationism