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Debate Score:76
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Atheists: has anything ever tested your faith in science?


Side Score: 40


Side Score: 36
2 points

I'm not an atheist, but talk about blind faith >>> .

Side: Yes
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

You're such a hypocrite. You believe shit based off of literally nothing to support it and im accepting modern scientific consensus backed by replicatable data and other forms of evidence. Get the fuck out of here

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

I have noticed that those which doubt their own beliefs are the first to get offended by what others say.

Side: Yes

Its not faith if theres evidence. so nothing :)

Side: No

The evidence might have been tampered with.

Side: No
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Modern science is too professional to let that happen. Everything is peer reviewed over and over and tested and re-tested to ensure valid results. The likelyhood of inaccurate evidence is very very low and the likelyhood of a field-wide conspiracy theory to cover up evidence is even less likely.

Side: Yes
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

If so there would not be airplanes, computers, bulbs ...pretty much nothing you cannot make from wood.

Side: Yes
lupusFati(790) Disputed
2 points

But you have faith that what you know is true. You have faith that the building blocks of your logic is accurate.

The difference between religious faith and faith that what you know is true, though, is that religious faith is often blind and unchanging. You can't do that with Science, since what we used to know is often replaced by a discovery of the actual truth. So we update those building blocks and apply it anew to the world around us, until the next time.

The real danger is Blind Faith, not Faith itself.

Side: Yes
1 point

Oops I've pretty much repeated what you said before reading it. Sorry.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Of course a belief in science is based, in part, on faith. Can you explain to me how evolution works exactly? What evidence is there to support it? Can you take me through every step? The fact is you only know small fragments of the evidence for evolution, the rest is based on faith.

The point is that you've got faith that scientists for the last however many centuries have researched the topic correctly. You trust in the theory of evolution because that's what the scientific community excepts to be true.

Side: Yes
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Of course a belief in science is based, in part, on faith. Can you explain to me how evolution works exactly? What evidence is there to support it? Can you take me through every step? The fact is you only know small fragments of the evidence for evolution, the rest is based on faith.

No actually it isn't. I could in fact give you a pretty good explaination of evolution. Of course it wouldn't be as complete as one provided by, say, a biology professor, but that doesn't mean the gaps in my knowledge are based on faith. I KNOW the other parts if the web of evidence for evolution exist. It takes 10 minutes of research to find it. So just because I don't have it memorized doesn't mean I'm depending on faith that its there. I know it's there.

The point is that you've got faith that scientists for the last however many centuries have researched the topic correctly. You trust in the theory of evolution because that's what the scientific community excepts to be true.

Trust is not the same thing as faith. I trust that the science has been conducted properly because, as we can see from years Of research and results, that it is in fact correct almost all of the time and if it isn't then it was corrected later. I accept evolution because it has been demonstrated by trusted sources to be factual. Not because I blindly accept it to be off of zero evidence.

Side: No
1 point

He got to it first. This.^

Side: No

Science doesn't just claim anything to be true, anything that isn't said to be true and tested, is labeled a theory, and even those have been as tested as they can muster, I imagine so no.

Side: No
1 point

I do not need "faith". I prefer evidence, hard data .....

Side: No