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Debate Score:40
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Believers in God: Are you sincerely scared for non-believers?

Question for theists....


As I understand it, if you don't believe in God then you go to hell. This means spending eternity in extreme pain etc. This is an absolutely horrible thing. If I truly believed that my relatives were going to suffer this for not believing I'd do everything in my power to get them to believe. I'd spend night and day trying to persude them to believe. I wouldn't sleep nor eat; I'd make it my sole purpose in life to save them. A job, having fun etc just wouldn't matter to me.


So my question is do you feel scared for your relatives that don't believe? If so, what exactly are you doing to help them?


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 20

Many do. Many usually pray and try to convince them or persuade their family members to accept God.

Side: Yes
2 points

I do feel sorry for all of theses people who choose to not believe in God knowing that they will go to a place full of sorrow and grief.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Fair enough. Can you explain to me what you actually do about it? For me, I've explained what my life would be like if I believed a relative was going to a place of immense suffering: how does it effect your life?

Side: No
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Well I try to tell others about Christ and if they don't accept I say my peace and move on. It effects my life tremendously because I don't want to go there and I try to do what Jesus says in His word and try not to sin.

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Those people don't believe what you believe, so they don't know that they will go to a place full of sorrow and grief

Side: No
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

You are really comical :D

Side: No

Of course im scared I know many non-theists on here who are very friendly and in my opinion deserve to make it to heaven but sadly I am not god,I dont make the rules. There's a good and bad about this. If im wrong about god and heaven atleast my athiestic friends wont suffer and if I am right atleast ill get meet god and jesus but sadly ill never see my friends who didnt belive in god and ill feel bad for them knwoing they are suffering in hell.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Fair enough. Can you explain to me what you actually do about it? For me, I've explained what my life would be like if I believed a relative was going to a place of immense suffering: how does it effect your life?

Side: No

Theres nothing I can do really :/ I cant shove my beliefs down his or her throat. All I can do is hope and pray and see if god works a miracle for him or her to belive.

Side: No

I don't think I can attain a "heavenly state of mind" knowing so many people have an emptiness inside of them

Side: Yes
1 point

Very much so. I want people to get saved. .

Side: Yes
1 point

When it comes to religion, it's very difficult to find common language with people who don't believe. also, you feel yourself like you not should have to help him or he. However, in our society it's very very difficult, as well as there so many religions and their sections. Of course, nowadays you cannot make people to believe in your religion. nevertheless, it's important that, though you worry about this people, even he or she is not youyr relative.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I do not force my beliefs on people. .

Side: Yes
1 point

Ya, definitely! As a believer, i feel pity for those non-believers as I know that they will suffer when they die. That is why i am trying to turn the atheist in create debate to theist. But some people like AveSatanas will just not listen.

Side: Yes
2 points

I don't want to be in any heaven that allows anyone to be there aslong as you accept jesus as your savor i'll take my chances in hell.

Side: No
1 point

God is meant to be all forgiving, if that is the case surely if they have been good he'll forgive non christians and let them in, surely a good Atheist stands a better chance of getting in than a bad Christian, if not Gods got his priorities wrong. People of other religions will be going to their own versions of heaven anyway so probably aren't bothered about getting into the Christian version.

Side: No
1 point

Heaven and hell are same places, both just bad .

Side: No
1 point

I don´t doubt that most Christians are scared for non-believers but what I doubt is the sincerity of it. If my friend was going to burn forever I would dedicate my whole life to persuade him to do whatever it is to avoid going there. I´d commit crime to prevent it if I had to - maybe I´d tie him up and drag him to a church. This would be rational if I knew he was certainly going to suffer immensely if I didn´t do something. Maybe whatever I did would be futile but still I would try.

To explain why Christians aren´t actually doing this what I see has rational... perhaps it is a question of doubt. Perhaps in reality part of them knows that hell is a nonsense. It doesn´t really exist so they don´t have to take the extreme actions that I said above. They know that there friends aren´t really going to burn forever.

Side: No
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

You cannot force someone to believe in God if they do not want to. That would be a dictatorship, not a relationship.

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
0 points

If your friend tried to jump off a bridge but didn´t believe in gravity - would you stop them from jumping?

Side: No