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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Bernie Sanders earned over a million dollars this year

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1 point

When people like what you are selling …. you make money! It's the capitalistic way … isn't it??? And in an open society like America is …. still … even "socialists" can make it! GO Bernie! Make America … America, again!

1 point

Good thing for the Marxist that he doesn't live in a Marxist economic system eh Al?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What's wrong with you Regressives AL is you live in a bubble created for you by the media.

Jake Tapper net worth: Jake Tapper is an American journalist and author who has a net worth of $4 million.

Cooper's net worth is an estimated $100 million — more than enough to place him among the top 1 percent of Americans. The news anchor currently receives an $11 million salary (which doesn't include bonuses) from CNN each year, according to Business Insider.Oct 9, 2016

Are you attacking the Regressives in the media about their wealth AL ???????

1 point

What's wrong with you Regressives AL is you live in a bubble created for you by the media.

What's wrong with you Outlaw would take a man three hours to type out. If we subtract the obvious problems of your incoherent English and bizarre grammar, we could talk for two hours just about your total lack of understanding of the topics you comment on. For example, you claim that "regressives" are the ones being influenced by the media, insinuating that the media itself must be regressive, but the problem with that is it was thoroughly disproved by noted academics Noam Chomsky and Ed Herman in 1988, when they released the results of their exhaustive qualitative and quantitative analysis of the past fifty years of American media. The media is controlled by powerful economic interests, and the fact that you seemingly believe powerful economic interests are usually "regressive" speaks volumes about your atrocious lack of intelligence.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Crazy AL do you need to be punked by your double standards ?? Sure why not !

Crazy Barney must have come out good there AL !!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO

Most politicians do........................................................................................

0 points

Remind me, how much would Trump have made had he not been president?

1 point

Trump isn't the one preaching about the 1%, now is he? That'd be Bernie, who happily became the 1%.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

So it's okay when trump does it?

1 point

Trump isn't the one preaching about the 1%, now is he? That'd be Bernie, who happily became the 1%.

Wait, you think Bernie Sanders is richer than Donald Trump?


Idiot. Earning a million dollars per year puts Sanders nowhere near the top one percent.