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 Best fighter in SSBB Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (4)

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dandebating1(34) pic

Best fighter in SSBB Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Many characters were introduced to the series right from the start, and new ones have joined whilst others have left. The newest game, SSBB, has a variety of different characters. But whose the best?

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What a great game! This is all we did in our homeroom senior year.

My personal opinion is Zelda since you can wreck bitches with the left/right B attack. This only works on big maps though.

Side: Zelda
1 point

Metaknight because 1)He flys 2)he has the extemely cheap B attack.

Side: Metaknight
1 point

Ike is the best. He has a very powerful sword and, despite being slow, he can destroy anyone!!!!!!!! Especially if I am controlling him. :D

Side: Ike

Wolf because he can attack you at long range with his blaster, mid range with his side and up b, can reflect ranged attacks, and in the right hands he can keep an enemy from touching the ground when he gets a good hit on them

Side: Wolf