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They were They were not
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 They were (7)
 They were not (14)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Blacks were strong-armed into switching parties

Per the "New Deal", blacks were essentially bribed and cornered into switching from the Party of Lincoln (Republican) to the Party of Slavery (Democrat). There is no logical reason that blacks would have joined the party that was ran by the KKK other than being forced into the move. The fact is, the racist Democrat Politicians of the day simply found a way to get around slavery and keep minorities down and oppressed. They found that if you give minorities tiny "benefits" to stay, they keep voting for you. It's human nature, and they know it. It's easier to take the tiny bribe that makes life a tiny amount better than to fight to the death for freedom and a real life. These Democrats knew and know this. Someone "has to do the jobs no one else wants" they tell us. Think about that. They are simply using minorities and bringing them in as slaves, only with the mask of "love and tolerance" and "the American dream", knowing full well they aren't going to "get the American dream". And notice their tactic. Tell the minorities how bad they have it and that the deck is stacked against them. This mentality keeps them in the fields, doing the back breaking work that white Liberals need them to do, so that they don't have to do them.

Us Conservatives welcome all minorities to join our party and free yourself from the liberal oppression of the Latino and Black communities. We don't want to give you snacks to behave. We want you to have a better life like us and black Conservatives who love this country. 

They were

Side Score: 9

They were not

Side Score: 15
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1 point

Everybody makes their own choice. As is evident from Trump's victory.

And when conservatives and/or Republicans get drummed out down the road again that will be free choice.

Side: They were not
2 points

1) Most blacks voted Republican until the "New Deal".

2) After the New Deal, most blacks voted Democrat in a mass "switch" of parties.

3) At that very time, the KKK was the arm of the Democratic Party.

4) Blacks had no logical reason to join the party of the KKK otherwise.

Side: They were
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

How does that prove they were "strong armed?" Basically Democrats had a better carrot on a stick. And that's what politics is about anyway.

And every major political party has fringe groups. Heck, before Republicans won big this year many thought its fringe groups would be its ruin.

Side: They were not
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

You should read this and learn some real facts.

African Americans have a history in both major political parties of the United States. After the Civil War almost all Blacks considered them-selves Republicans. It was the Republican Party that was started by abolitionists and of course the party of President Abraham Lincoln. Mean-while Southern Democrats strongly opposed any rights to Blacks at the time and for almost a century there-after. African Americans were not even allowed to officially attend the Democratic convention until 1924.

Things began to change during the “Great Depression” of the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. The New Deal was a program that helped disadvantaged and minority communities find work. This persuaded 71% of African Americans to vote for a Democrat for president even though only 44% considered themselves to be members of the Democratic Party. In 1948 Democrat Harry Truman ordered the desegregation of the military in addition to an executive order affecting racial discrimination of federal employment securing much of the Black vote for the election later that year. During this time 56% of African Americans were now Democrats.

It was the association of civil rights legislation with John F Kennedy and Lyndon Banes Jonson that solidified Black loyalty to the Democratic Party for good. JFK proposed and LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed public discrimination. LBJs Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, opposed it garnering Johnson 94% of the black vote that year, which was a record until 2008. Johnson later signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

By this time the majority of Blacks had become Democrats. By 2012 only 16% of African Americans considered themselves Republicans. Although 88% of African Americans voted for Democrat John Kerry in 2004, 44% consider themselves to have a moderate political viewpoint. Only 28% consider themselves liberal in their political views. Over the last 40 years Black Americans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic presidential candidate. The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%).

Side: They were
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Basically from the New Deal onward Blacks found the Democrats' message and programs more appealing. And so? That's what politics ALWAYS is. Either way it's still voluntary.

Side: They were
1 point

No they weren't. Each person has their own choice. The fact is the Democratic party won them over by offering help such as desegregating the armed services, setting up regulations against racial bias in the working environment, and creating the Civil Rights act.

The Democratic party played the field, did a few really great things that catered to the black community and were able to gain the votes they needed. They were smart, but they didn't strong arm.

Side: They were not
2 points

1) Most blacks voted Republican until the "New Deal".

2) After the New Deal, most blacks voted Democrat in a mass "switch" of parties.

3) At that very time, the KKK was the arm of the Democratic Party.

4) Blacks had no logical reason to join the party of the KKK otherwise.

Side: They were
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
2 points

Blacks had no logical reason to join the party of the KKK otherwise.

~Desegregation of armed services.

~ Executive order setting up regulations against racial bias in federal employment.

~ Civil Rights Act.

All VERY good reasons to do so.

Most blacks voted Republican until the "New Deal"

Yes. Most people will vote for the side they believe will fight for them. Republicans dropped the ball on it and Democrats tailored their image as a champion of that minority. The New Deal was a dream within reach for a great many people, including women and those that wanted unions.

3) At that very time, the KKK was the arm of the Democratic Party.

And yet the Democratic party was still able to win over the majority. That speaks more for the Republicans than it does anything else.

Quite simply, it was not strong arming, it was catering to the masses that, at the time, didn't have a voice. Now they are starting to trickle back to the Republican party. That's the freedom of choice.

Side: They were not
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

You don't know any facts. Read the history before you put your foot in your mouth.

African Americans have a history in both major political parties of the United States. After the Civil War almost all Blacks considered them-selves Republicans. It was the Republican Party that was started by abolitionists and of course the party of President Abraham Lincoln. Mean-while Southern Democrats strongly opposed any rights to Blacks at the time and for almost a century there-after. African Americans were not even allowed to officially attend the Democratic convention until 1924.

Things began to change during the “Great Depression” of the 1930s with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. The New Deal was a program that helped disadvantaged and minority communities find work. This persuaded 71% of African Americans to vote for a Democrat for president even though only 44% considered themselves to be members of the Democratic Party. In 1948 Democrat Harry Truman ordered the desegregation of the military in addition to an executive order affecting racial discrimination of federal employment securing much of the Black vote for the election later that year. During this time 56% of African Americans were now Democrats.

It was the association of civil rights legislation with John F Kennedy and Lyndon Banes Jonson that solidified Black loyalty to the Democratic Party for good. JFK proposed and LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which outlawed public discrimination. LBJs Republican opponent, Barry Goldwater, opposed it garnering Johnson 94% of the black vote that year, which was a record until 2008. Johnson later signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

By this time the majority of Blacks had become Democrats. By 2012 only 16% of African Americans considered themselves Republicans. Although 88% of African Americans voted for Democrat John Kerry in 2004, 44% consider themselves to have a moderate political viewpoint. Only 28% consider themselves liberal in their political views. Over the last 40 years Black Americans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic presidential candidate. The most votes any Republican candidate received from Blacks since 1968 was Gerald Ford in 1976 (15%).

Side: They were