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It's For Real Man! Bullshit!
Debate Score:16
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 It's For Real Man! (8)

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Hellno(17753) pic

Body Language Reading? Real or Bullshit?


It's For Real Man!

Side Score: 16


Side Score: 0
3 points

I think tis is very real. One of my co-workers and I negotiate lots of deals. My co-worker can tell all sorts of cool stuf from the body language. We use signlas between each other based on what he sees to change the course of the negotiations (hopefully in our favor). Most often he is spot on!

Side: It's For Real Man!
3 points

I read it all the time. Sometimes it can be as subtle as where they look at inappropriate times.

Side: It's For Real Man!
3 points

It is true to a great extent but not complete. It is not Bullshit cuz certain gestures are innate. And hence can't be called Impossible but it is a hyped field. Reading one's inner self can't be that easy. And sometimes your reactions are just a mixture.

Side: It's For Real Man!
2 points

It's often greatly exaggerated on television and other media, but it's real. If someone smiles you know they're probably happy, and if they frown they're probably unhappy. That's body language that we are particularly skillful at reading. Micro-expressions are so subtle that they're nearly impossible to read.

Side: It's For Real Man!
2 points

A friend of mine actually trained for several years to read body language, facial expressions and other aspects of active sociological interpretation. When he got back, we tested him thoroughly..I don't remember the ACTUAL numbers we came up with, but he was completely right just over 50% of the time, and "basically" right up to about 30%. Interestingly, men fooled him far easier than women (which, according to his training, should have been the opposite)

Side: It's For Real Man!
1 point

Yes - 80% of the time because 80% are right-handed - let handers do the mirror image of eye movements - then their are those who are ambidextrous.

"Cognitive dissonance doesn't happen under forced compliance because without freedom of choice then the person had no other choice and is absolved and OK with it"

Could be why torture doesn''t work.

Supporting Evidence: Art of Deception Detection (
Side: It's For Real Man!
1 point

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajf;lj sf f ksa;fjsa;fjasf asfs;lff skjfsaf;as;fs;lfj sfasfjl;asfja fklaf;asjfsa;l f jasfajsf;lasf sfjas;fj saas;fasfslkjfs faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajf;lj sf f ksa;fjsa;fjasf asfs;lff skjfsaf;as;fs;lfj sfasfjl;asfja fklaf;asjfsa;l f jasfajsf;lasf sfjas;fj saas;fasfslkjfs faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajf;lj sf f ksa;fjsa;fjasf asfs;lff skjfsaf;as;fs;lfj sfasfjl;asfja fklaf;asjfsa;l f jasfajsf;lasf sfjas;fj saas;fasfslkjfs faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajf;lj sf f ksa;fjsa;fjasf asfs;lff skjfsaf;as;fs;lfj sfasfjl;asfja fklaf;asjfsa;l f jasfajsf;lasf sfjas;fj saas;fasfslkjfs faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajf;lj sf f ksa;fjsa;fjasf asfs;lff skjfsaf;as;fs;lfj sfasfjl;asfja fklaf;asjfsa;l f jasfajsf;lasf sfjas;fj saas;fasfslkjfs f

Side: It's For Real Man!
1 point

She was eye humping you? Whoa.... that's messed up yo.

P.S. I think you were supposed to answer over there--------------------->

Side: It's For Real Man!
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