
Debate Info

Cool He deserved it
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:12
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 Cool (5)
 He deserved it (4)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic


Side Score: 5

He deserved it

Side Score: 4
1 point

Oh lookie, more Nazi propaganda from our resident anti-Semitic Jew hater. Who needs pamphlets when you have social media, right buddy?

Side: Cool
1 point

Struggling to distinguish an immigration debate from your role model, eh Nom?

Side: He deserved it
Cocopops(347) Disputed
1 point

Your unflappable love affair with Bronto really does pluck everyone's heartstrings.

Nom and Bronto, the latter-day Romeo and Juliet.

Do you serenade him under his bedroom balcony on these balmy summer nights filled with the entrancing scent of jasmine?

Does he throw you down a few bars of Cadbury's FRUIT and NUT chocolate bars?

Side: He deserved it
1 point

I keep him in my mildly retarded pets dungeon. He sits on the shoulder of a pirate. He can only squawk a few sentences about Hitler and Nazis. He would smoke pot if I let him, but I don't. Instead I feed him old urinal cakes. He seems to enjoy said cakes.

Side: Cool
Bootstrap(226) Disputed
1 point

Your unflappable love affair with Bronto really does pluck everyone's heartstrings.

Why do you pretend you aren't Bronto, but then follow me around everywhere I go accusing me of being obsessed with Bronto?

You are so stupid it is literally cringeworthy, Bronto. Do you want some kind of medal for working out how to open a new account you pathetic corporate hand puppet?

Side: Cool
0 points

Mr. Potato Head is a Rhode Island native! Leave him alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

Side: Cool
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

ROAD ISLAND AL your NIGGER was a POTATO HEAD but in your world the NIGGER was the TOTALITIRAN you wanted and needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: He deserved it
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