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 Can a boy and a girl be 'just friends'? (10)

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iMisterH(160) pic

Can a boy and a girl be 'just friends'?

Assuming both are heterosexual, can a male and female be just friends or will one of them develop feelings for the other? Your thoughts and opinions on the question?

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4 points

I've never understood those who say otherwise.

Is all human interaction about sex? No. Not even all interactions by couples are about it.

Did you forget about people outside of the typical gender dynamic?

Should not serious relationships be based around friendships anyway?

Why does sexual interest from one or both parties have to ruin the friendship? That's silly.

It CAN ruin or complicate friendships, but certainly does not have to. Otherwise I'd have few female friends, yet this is not the case.

2 points

From personal experience, I almost always develop a small crush on a female friend. It's probably just me, but most of the time I am romantically attracted to females who I consider 'just friends'. Even more so if they are single.

However, I believe a boy and a girl CAN be just friends. I have seen it for myself and believe that everyone is different.

2 points

Only if they are ugly.

2 points

They can be friends. In this generation, a lot of girls hangout with guys tremendously.

1 point

Yes IF they are, and remain, equally sexually un-attracted to each other.

MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

So having unrequited romantic interest in someone invalidates the friendship?

In my experience that is only true if the friendship had no worth in the first place or one or more parties are just miserable people...

daver(1770) Disputed
2 points

So having unrequited romantic interest in someone invalidates the friendship?

Well ---- NO

"unrequited romantic interest" Does change the relationship,to a degree that its no longer 'just friends' as worded in the debate question.

1 point

I don,t think they can be just friends,romance always comes up ultimately.

"Will and Grace" presents a fine example that a guy and a gal can be just friends.