
Debate Info

Yes Go fuck yourself
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes (1)
 Go fuck yourself (2)

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Daegonius(329) pic

Can societies become sane?


Side Score: 1

Go fuck yourself

Side Score: 2
1 point

Can societies become sane?

Yes--In so far as people are able to transition from a state of "insanity" to "sanity"

Germany is actually a prime example of this circa WWII to post-WWII into the present. (Although: One could challenge the "sanity" of many/all modern societies (to varying degrees) still in various respects, there is a clear difference between the "health & sanity" of Germany now compared to Nazi Germany)

Side: Yes

No. You could take 100 "sane" people, and eventually they would breed "insane" offspring.

Side: Go fuck yourself
1 point

man left to himself will always go insane.

Human nature is deprived. There is nothing man can do to fix himself.

So if left to our own devices, we'll always succumb to our very nature. Man's own quest for perfection will ultimately lead him to become the very thing he was trying to eradicate. You see the full circle?

Side: Go fuck yourself