
Debate Info

Virgin Birth is Scriptural. Virgin Birth not Scriptural.
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:30
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 Virgin Birth is Scriptural. (9)
 Virgin Birth not Scriptural. (17)

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BibleTruthHQ(51) pic

Christians: Is the "Virgin Birth" according to Scripture?

The "virgin birth" I'm referring to is the "virgin birth" of "Christianity". The Christian doctrine goes: Mary was an unmarried virgin and her and Joseph liked each other. One day God got her pregnant with "holy ghost". Joseph was ashamed of her because he though she cheated on him with some other dude. Then the angel came down and told Joseph that the child Mary is carrying is of God. Then Joseph married her and out popped Jesus.

Let's see if that is according to Scripture. Christians, any takers?

Virgin Birth is Scriptural.

Side Score: 10

Virgin Birth not Scriptural.

Side Score: 19

Yes, as Jesus did not come from an egg fusing with a sperm and hence it was a virgin birth. It states this to show that Jesus did not come from Man

Side: Virgin Birth is Scriptural.
BibleTruthHQ(51) Disputed
1 point

Then why does Scripture say Jesus the SON of Joseph (John 6:42)? Why does Christ have 2 genealogies? And what is the significance in mentioning Joseph in Christ's genealogy.

Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.

Yes, this is literally one of the biggest things from Christianity. The virgin Mary is called "the virgin" because she never had sex but still had a kid. Its a biological impossibility that is pretty plainly stated in the Bible as "fact."

Side: Virgin Birth is Scriptural.
TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

That is stated plainly due to translations.

The word that was translated, almah, does not necessarily mean virgin. This means that, if read in its original language, the Bible would not "plainly" state that a virgin birth occurred.

Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.
WastingAway(340) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily doesn't mean not at all. Not that this is a very important argument to have as it can be easily replaced with hundreds of other cases of fiction found in the Bible.

Side: Virgin Birth is Scriptural.
BibleTruthHQ(51) Disputed
1 point

So are you saying the Virgin Birth is not Scriptural?

Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.
1 point

I still think she should have said no. Get to hell out of my bed you dirty old 'Holy Ghost' or I'll call for the Ghost Busters.

Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.

From what I understand, there was a mistranslation in the first translation of the Hebrew bible that mistakenly translated "young woman" as "virgin woman" in the prophecy of Jesus.

Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.
1 point

Many religions have some sort of Virgin Birth narrative among their Creation Stories and dogma. Including a few religions that pre-dated Christianity. So I would ask any Christian Reading this how they think their story about Mary could be construed as being in any way original or unique. (Leaving alone for the moment the fact that from a biological view the fable makes zero sense and is instead simply absurd.)

Too, I cannot help by wonder how many Christians reading this even know that "The Immaculate Conception" originally did NOT pertain to the birth of JC, but rather was referring to the birth of Mary?

Hail Satan.


Side: Virgin Birth not Scriptural.