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 Commercials... How do you feel about them? (9)

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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Commercials... How do you feel about them?

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2 points

I like them for the most part... I have a DVR but don't use it much. I like to use the commercials as a break.

2 points

I want them banned and products to be promoted through word of mouth :)

2 points

Contemporary commercials are poison. They don't tell you about the product, they just barrage your mind with as many non-sequiturs as possible to get their product's name ingrained in your subconsciousness more than their competitor's product name.

The more commercials you watch, the more garbage you have piled up in your mind.

They are mostly annoying, sometimes entertaining marketing tools. If they didn't exist cable would be sooooo much more expensive.

i hate some commercials. especially those commercials that have hot sexy girls on them. like you see a commercial for something simple like makeup or babies or something, but it drives me CRAZY when they always have the super hot girls with long flowy hair, and smooth faces with no pimples or scars, and perfect skin and they always must be extra skinny and perfect for no certain reason at all. it makes girls like me feel insecure about my hair length and and makes me freak out when i have a single pimple and everything else. why cant they have average people cuz they know everyone doesnt look like that!!!

ooohh, those commercials get on my nerves to the point of reaching my soul!!!!!

i also hate commercials that make kids seem all stupid and innocent when we all know that when parents arent around they curse and stuff. and they also know a lot of things they shouldnt know about.

1 point

I find them a necessary evil.

1 point

They don't actually work.

I hate them coming up during a movie. Sometimes those commercials come on too loud at night.