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Debate Score:18
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 Cuaroc is a confused Democrat (18)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

Cuaroc is a confused Democrat

He can't get a hold on the KKK and it's connection to Democrats. Why is it Democrats want to distant themselves from the racism that is the Democratic Party and started with the Democratic Party. Are Democrats like Cuaroc afraid of the history their party supports which is racism. The spin on racism does not work anymore for them because history exposes them for who they are. 
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1 point

Democrats support the KKK and it can't be made any simpler for you. Facts just don't work for the brain dead Democrat and you fit the bill.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Sure the Democrats support the KKK and racism Cuaroc but you can't accept the fact.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Sure the Democrats support the KKK and racism DBCooper but you can't accept the fact.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

This is utter fucking bullshit. KKK was 10000000000% started by pro Republicans.

You do realize that this childish idiot does nothing but copy people's posts and acts the pure fool. Why waste your time with him.

He is incapable of debating.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

When are you going to start debating, coward?

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
0 points

You do realize that this childish idiot does nothing but copy people's posts and acts the pure fool. Why waste your time with him.

He is incapable of debating.

"Why is it Democrats want to distant themselves from the racism that is the Democratic Party"

Because they are no longer the party that seeks the racist vote.

"started with the Democratic Party"

Racism existed before the founding of the country or the Democratic party.

"afraid of the history their party supports which is racism"

We have come to terms with our history - when will Republicans come to terms with the present??

1 point

Racism existed before the founding of the country or the Democratic party.

Good catch. I didn't think anyone actual read what he wrote any more.

What are all the other types of Democrats?

I know there's slightly confused, confused, very confused and then Hillary Clinton, but what are the other one's?