
Debate Info

RBE Socialism
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 RBE (9)
 Socialism (7)

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Daegonius(329) pic

Democratic Socialism VS Resource Based Economy


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 13
Amarel(5669) Banned
1 point

One is admittedly retarded Utopianism with high hopes and the other is retarded Utopianism without aim.

Side: RBE
Daegonius(329) Disputed
2 points

retarded utopianism

By "high hopes" do you mean the idea that everything won't always be as stupid as it is now? By "without aim" do you mean to say that advancing as a species rather than going extinct is pointless? If we don't have a global resource based economy humanity will go extinct or at the very least society will collapse because as long as governments and monetary systems exist we will unnecessarily destroy the environment and tyranny will be the norm.

Side: Socialism
3 points

By "without aim" do you mean to say that advancing as a species rather than going extinct is pointless?

I am afraid that is exactly what he means to say. Amarel believes that justice and fairness are retarded because his only talents in life involve deceiving other people.

Side: Socialism
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
1 point

do you mean the idea that everything won't always be as stupid as it is now?

Everything is currently better than its ever been and the trend isn’t continuing.

By "without aim" do you mean to say that advancing as a species rather than going extinct is pointless?

Neither option advances either the individual or the species. But the snake oil salesmen will persist.

If we don't have a global resource based economy humanity will go extinct or at the very least society will collapse

No it won’t.

as long as governments and monetary systems exist we will unnecessarily destroy the environment and tyranny will be the norm.

The world is more free from tyranny now than ever before precisely because governments are turning away from the shit you’re peddling. Your two options cannot exist without tyranny.

Side: RBE
NumberOne(422) Disputed
1 point

the other is retarded Utopianism without aim.

Surely the aim of Utopianism is Utopia, you dumb fuck?

Side: Socialism
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
1 point

Surely the aim of Utopianism is Utopia

Surely it should be. Then everyone would see how obviously retarded it is.

Side: RBE
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
1 point

Did you pick your name from a scale of 1 to 10 ?

Side: RBE
1 point

When bureaucrats in D.C. can make all the consumable goods for the Progressives then they will have their Utopia but figuring out the price tag will definitely be where the confusion sets in. Now Crazy Bernie could do it being he is very well schooled in operating any business in America LMMFAO !

Side: RBE
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