
Debate Info

I always knew that News to me
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 I always knew that (3)
 News to me (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

I always knew that

Side Score: 4

News to me

Side Score: 4
1 point

If you're thinking about trying it, let me save you some time and some headphone doesn't work.

Side: I always knew that

You've tried it. ;)

Side: I always knew that
1 point

erased squirreled poof by bye gone vanished adios adios so long

Side: I always knew that

You would figure that the new generation would spend time studying and learning shit that would make them more marketable in the future and less time shoving stuff up their nose ;)

Side: News to me

um... no i did not know that and now that i do i wish knowing it. DAMN IT! that is really weird by the way, i mean, didn't you find it weird.

Side: News to me

Sweet! Now where's the nearest library...


Side: News to me
1 point

I find it kind of hard to believe that a person would spend any amount of time doing something as inane- and frankly disgusting- as finding that out. Why would anyone want to know that anyway?

Side: News to me