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 Do Aliens Exist? (27)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

Do Aliens Exist?

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2 points

Yes. They are illegal and they are coming over the border because Obama won't build a wall to keep them out. ;)

1 point

If Trump gets elected, I'm investing in ladders! Of all the stupid, ridiculous theories! Really, it's TOTALLY anti-Reagan! HE would NEVER have backed this idiocy! He SAID so!

2 points

Hmm, that sounds like a crazy enough investment to work.

we are talking about aliens here not immigrants????????????

In my opinion, No. The reason I say "No" is because I feel they would have introduced themselves to us by now.

You do have a point on that. you are right to they should've said or done something to us by now.

Joel_Mathews(2284) Clarified
1 point

Why did you ban Aspire? He wasn't even using vulgarities.....................

1 point

Do Aliens exist? Does GOD exist? Today, there is FAR more evidence that Aliens outnumber GOD. I'm keeping an open mind .... at least as far as Aliens are concerned.

1 point

Does the raindrop exist if no one is there to see, feel, hear, smell or taste it?

2 points

Yes .

instig8or(3308) Disputed
0 points

Wrong, you only say 'yes' because you assume that anything exists outside of perception.

1 point

Its all in the name

What is an alien in the context of your debate, an extra terrestial lifeform, someone from another country who is living illegally in your country, an unidentifiable fossil, etc etc etc.........?

1 point

My own experience with an alien craft ... .. I'll never forget it

1 point

Given the sheer magnitude of the universe, as well as the possible existence of other universes (see string theory, multiverse), it seems statistically more probable than not that aliens do exist. Whether they exist contemporaneously to our linear time is, of course, another point of consideration.

Seriously? Why do people keep making debates like this? Aliens do not exists.

Lol it's just supposed to be a,fun debate that's all. Just for fun.

1 point

i guess aliens are present cause the drake equation does give a lot of possibility for that. however, interplanetary space travel, that's a totally different matter.

1 point

If you mean that there's more life in the Universe than us, then yes.

1 point

Pointless question.

If they do exist, it will be in due time before we can see, detect or interact with them.

If they don't then, they don't.

Thank you,

Aspire(62) Banned
0 points

I believe that they do... however, I don't believe that they are so superior to us to beable to travel 1 light-year let alone 100 between stars to come to our forsaken planet. We're not that special.