
Debate Info

Oh Yes! Oh God Yes! No, that's warped!
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:51
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 Oh Yes! Oh God Yes! (16)
 No, that's warped! (6)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Enjoy Pissing People Off?

Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

Side Score: 28

No, that's warped!

Side Score: 9
2 points

Definitely. When someone gets pissed off, it's a whole lot easier to make them look stupid.

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

There's no greater joy in life. ;)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
1 point

I must admit... I do, not all people of course but some... yes. Does that mean there's something wrong with me? (That's rhetorical... do NOT answer)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
1 point

You are too fucking funny, that is what your problem is! ;)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
1 point

Some people but not everyone.

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
1 point

I am flattered that you think of me, cutie. Muah! .

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
1 point

Yes, yes, oh my fucking God, yes! ;)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

Yes!!! It makes me feel like more of a person. :D

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

Depends on what people. I like pissing people off who just explode from anger because of me. Kinda like Dana.

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
2 points

Yeah... have you seen how that Russian Asshole, BigOats, explodes? It's hilarious.

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

I've seen some. It's really funny, but I never had the honor to piss them off myself ... yet ;)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
0 points

I feel special. Muah! ;)

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

Best way to piss people off is by attacking their character flaws.

Things you realize about them that they don't realize about themselves. :) works everytime. unless they are self just bounces off of them.

90% of the population isn't soooo...

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!
sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

Speaking if character flaws ... Your skin is black. Haha, that means you have more melanin than I do. Way to go with that aspect of your character. (Sarcasm).

Side: No, that's warped!
1 point

Ya dog. Pissing poeples off is me most specialiest skill. Especialy if the people is a real dauchbag.

Side: Oh Yes! Oh God Yes!

I never took it for pleasure. But people getting angry at me is normal in my everyday life. I never wanted it, but I have no intention of backing down when I see nothing wrong in what I do

Side: No, that's warped!
0 points

No I don't enjoy making people mad to be honest. If I do make someone mad I usually feel sorry that I did because then the person will usually dislike what I did to them.

Side: No, that's warped!