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imrigone(761) pic

Do allies/enemies really matter on this site?

Is it really advantagous here to identify other CD members as allies or enemies?


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Side Score: 9
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2 points

I don't think it matters, for the small amount of people who actually log on it really doesn't matter

Side: No
1 point

No, I don't think it matters much, especially since from what I've seen.... most people on this site are fucking whacked as hell.... Garry is one of them.... if you disagree with him he tells you to hang yourself.

Side: No
2 points

Yeah, I just came across that exchange. Even though I fully disagree with your stance, he was definitely out of line. That's not how this site is supposed to be.

I've been watching you since you got here. The chances are pretty good that you and I are going to go several rounds on many issues. But I promise not to order you to commit suicide :)

Side: No
1 point

LMAO! Well I am always respectful until someone isn't with me, so if you see me being an asshole to someone, it's because they were disrespectful to me first, for no reason... my rule is I give what I get.

And thank you for not ordering me to commit suicide, LOL.

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1 point

I usually ignore enemy declarations. That's why I have so many hostiles but no enemies.

I take a very alternative stance on things... not always the most popular, depending on what it is. People get pissed at me mainly because I never take most of them seriously and make them constantly have to explain something, which they just end up reiterating the same thing over and over again. As I point that shit out, they declare me an enemy.

Then, if one of them read this post and replied, they would say "NO, U JUST WRONG AND I DON'T DO THAT!!!"


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1 point

Thanks ThePyg that you don't hold it against me personally that I named you my enemy.

Side: No

NAH! XD I think that it's just a joke really. There are some people wh you just happen to disagree with all the time, but I think that debate shouldn't CAUSE enemies: GOOD debate should help to bring two minds together, or even just help both sides understand both issues: seeing things better.

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