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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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wolverinetre(238) pic

Do black people develop societies more slowly than white people?

Africa as a continent has taken thousands of years to come to even more violence and poverty. The U.S., being made up of only 12% of black people, has taken 300 years to become the biggest superpower in the world. Not to mention that black people make up 50% of U.S. prisons, and 12% of the U.S. I'm not racist, I simply thought this was interesting. . .


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

The people of the US (your example) have no different DNA than any other nation (Africa in your example).We are not super-humans or a superior race. What makes America so great,the greatest super-power,the light on the hill for some many in the world is freedom,liberty and justice. Our inalienable rights,life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness have made us the greatest and richest nation ever on this planet. It is not due to race,it is not due to luck,it is not due to us stealing from others it is simply do to allowing each and every individual the freedom to become the best they can be.

Side: No
1 point

No, race isn't what's important here. Look into issues of geography, available resources, tribal conflict, and motivation to industrialise.

Side: No
1 point

Historically speaking, blacks in Africa began society long before their Caucasian and Mongoloid counterparts. They just... didn't do much with it after that. =/

Side: yes
1 point

not to be raceist hear but 10,000 years of history says yes

Side: Yes