
Debate Info

I believe it's real I believe it's a hoax
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 I believe it's real (5)

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Do you believe global warming is a real problem? Why?

I believe it's real

Side Score: 5

I believe it's a hoax

Side Score: 0


For people to actually doubt an obvious phenomenon, just how ignorant can our civilization be?

Side: I believe it's real
1 point

Since global warming is such an obvious phenomenon and is something that directly stems from Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere I have but two simple question for clarification.

Plants breath in Carbon Dioxide and need it to thrive and grow. Would it not be equally if not more disastrous to the environment if all the plants were starved of their Co2 and essentially suffocated?

What if it was all a lie and everything you think you know about global warming is actually false?

Some supporting evidence: low

(note: this is not a reflection on my views, I plan on providing arguments for both sides as best I can.)

Side: I believe it's real

Based on its name this should be obvious. The fucking world is heating up. That has to be the biggest problem in the world right now.

Side: I believe it's real
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

What about the Global cooling theory. I mean based on its name it should be obvious, the fucking world is cooling down. That has to be the biggest problem in the world right now. 05/21/the-1970s-ice-age-scare/

Side: I believe it's real

It is now 2015 and even Pope Francis has written an encyclical warning about global warming.

Side: I believe it's real
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