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 Do you ever just pick the 'wrong' side so you can finally have a good argument? (13)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Do you ever just pick the 'wrong' side so you can finally have a good argument?

I mean wrong as in the choice that's contrary to popular opinion. For example a question that asks "Is sexism good" or something similar in regards of personal opinion.

Family Guy gif of peter pushing the button he was supposed to

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2 points

Yes I did it in school many times. When they gave me a paper and told me to right a persuasive essay on which side I agree with, every now and then I would choose to be the opposite side I agree with.


1 point

You do this more than anyone else that I've noticed :P

I'm not denying but do you have any examples? I feel you may be misinterpreting me.

1 point

That sounds like trolling. .

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

It's a device known as playing devil's advocate. Where you choose the side you are least familiar with and run with it, proving that everything when arguing is objective.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I am familiar with that tactic and I use it, but I made darn sure that people know where I am coming from.

I argue against what I actually believe if a person is arguing my side poorly.

1 point

Yeah, if I read a debate and the people arguing the side I don't believe in aren't arguing well; I will make better arguments so people on the side I believe to be true can show how better thought-out arguments for their side still don't hold true.

1 point

Of course. It's a good way to strengthen the arguments of individuals you agree with, but who do not argue well.