
Debate Info

Keep the nazis Get rid of the Nazis
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:14
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 Keep the nazis (5)
 Get rid of the Nazis (5)

Debate Creator

Sally25(5) pic

Do you think that we should get rid of the remaining nazis

The  main  issue  is  that  after  the  second  world  war  some  of  the  Nazis  survived 

Keep the nazis

Side Score: 5

Get rid of the Nazis

Side Score: 5
1 point

Hello Sally:

If we throw 'em into the ovens, then we'd BE the NEW Nazi's. Nazism WITHOUT an army, is politics, and we shouldn't get rid of people because of their politics..


Side: Keep the nazis
1 point

Marxist Critical Theory, being used by the left openly as we speak, was literally invented in Nazi Germany...

Side: Get rid of the Nazis
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Marxist Critical Theory, being used by the left openly as we speak,

Hello again, bront:

The wiki article is interesting HISTORY.. But, MODERN MAINSTREAM leftists like me, don't subscribe to that Marxist Communist shit..

If we DID, you'd post a link..

Look.. Other than FOX News and Rush Limprod, I can't IMAGINE where you're getting that stuff.. Clearly, if what you're saying is true, our CANDIDATES for office would be SINGING the praises of Karl Marx.. And, they would be getting ELECTED having done so.

In the real world, NONE of that is happening.. NONE of it..

Step away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain.


Side: Keep the nazis
1 point

I think we should not kill the Nazis because it is easy to say kill them and done be with it but that is not the right punishment or rather killing them will prove nothing, the Nazis and the neo Nazis may say they are superior but that does not make them correct. And in the book Ordinary Men by Browning they show non radical German police left in Poland who went from normal police officers to monsters shooting naked pregnant women in the back of their head. The point is we all have aptitude for malevolence inside us and this would just be showing that we are monsters as them rather than intelligent people who keep their demons at bay.

"Hate breeds hate"

"The circle of hatred must be stopped"


Side: Keep the nazis

Get rid of them. I support racial unity........................................................................

Side: Get rid of the Nazis
0 points

Wait, what? … NO! Are you saying we should clean out the White House??? ;-)

Side: Get rid of the Nazis
1 point

Marxist Critical Theory, being used by the left openly as we speak, was literally invented in Nazi Germany...

Side: Keep the nazis
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Crazy AL the Socialist keep talking you have reached the stupidity of Hillary and that is a special feat right there.

Side: Keep the nazis
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Three million MORE … for those with small minds, that's 3 million "PLUS the number that voted for Trump" … reached what you call "the stupidity of Hillary". That's over a hundred million that think that YOU are well within the range of the stupidity that is occupied by Trump! THAT'S a "special feat, right there! Had not the extremely gerrymandered electoral college been heavily weighted in Trumps favor … not to mention the number of SOOO easily controlled minds of the basket of deplorables … we wouldn't even be talking about Trump today! We'd be continuing to make America great …. instead of "partnering" with a man that had a LOT to do with all those deaths you glorify in other posts! HE is a "smart outlaw" and a dangerous one! Most outlaws a REALLY DUMB! With Hillary, America wouldn't be "outsmarted" by him, and he knew it. SO, he helped U.S. elect Trump … for that reason. He does NOTHING without a reason that promotes HIS agenda …. like Trump!

Side: Keep the nazis