
Debate Info

Yup. Hey.., I resemble that remark.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yup. (4)
 Hey.., I resemble that remark. (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Don't you just hate it when people wear their headphones 24/7?


Side Score: 4

Hey.., I resemble that remark.

Side Score: 5

They look so peaceful..., they should be miserable, like the rest of us ;)

Side: Yup.
1 point

they lose themselves into this other world. which is good in some ways, but its annoying when they do it when someone's talking to them. basic etiquette -_-

Side: Yup.
1 point

the people who wear headphones become deaf and do not care what's happening in their surroundings...... that's really irratating and then they act like they are the coolest person on earth and the others are dumb fools.

Side: Yup.

Do you watch the news much? If you did, you may want to become deaf to the world and ignore what's happening in your surroundings ;)

Side: Yup.
Kite626(714) Disputed
1 point

I myself enjoy being deaf compared to ignorantly blind .

Side: Hey.., I resemble that remark.
1 point

Not really. I have a lot of people who usually wear them around their neck like a lot at my school. It looks really cool when you have them on and if you ever want to listen to music your headphones are right there.

Side: Hey.., I resemble that remark.

I'd rather listen to my music than listen to all of the mindless chatter floating about.

Side: Hey.., I resemble that remark.
1 point

As long as he/she isn't wearing beats, I'm fine with it.

Side: Hey.., I resemble that remark.
1 point

I'd much rather listen to my music 24/7 feeling the bass, rather than listening to how someones day was. F THE REALITY

Side: Hey.., I resemble that remark.