
Debate Info

In Favor Against
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:23
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 In Favor (6)
 Against (8)

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ImBro3(5) pic

Donald Trump Voters

Is it really just me who thinks that people are posting more about How The World Is Gonna Be Fucked Up having Donald Trump the president now or are there really just this much people in US of A right now that just like threw there votes away and didn't care and laugh... The world can be a better place with or without Trump. There must be a good reason of why Donald Trump has been voted by majority of people... Maybe they got hypnotized? or they have been given money? or maybe tricked by Trump making all of his contributions(we all know he's rich and the rich really can't be trusted right?)? Trump made a promise for them? and many more. I also like the side of Trump of trying to "Rebuild" his country(USA), but how is he gonna do that by being to be racist, being a bully, criticizing a lot of other people, and many more things that we all know and can prove that he said using his mouth that had affected a lot of the people's feelings and made them sad and start from there? Trump could have done better, or maybe he will do better. We will all see that.

In Favor

Side Score: 8


Side Score: 13
2 points

In my opinion Donald Trump is going to (as he says) "Make America great again". This slogan itself could be interpreted in many different ways, someone could say that he's referring to World War 2 and that he wants a war again to make more money for America. (If you didn't know America makes a lot of money from wars). I perceive the slogan as a way of Trump telling us that he's to make America top of the economic world scale by far again like they once were.

One reason to why I would rather Trump then Obama currently is what he's done so far. To me he's really proved himself to be more then just a joke running for president. So far he's talked to China's leader in light of something about allying, talked to Putin and have deeply talked about allying which i think is amazing because Merica' and Russia have been competing in many aspects of the world (sports, war, etc). Trump completely supports LGBTQ community.

Why Hillary in my opinion was a horrible candidate - Hillary Clinton from the start had an untrustworthy relationship with the American people with the email scandal. In my opinion Hillary Clinton would have started WWIII. I have some reasons for that let me explain. Vladimir Putin said mid election process that if Hillary become president Russia would start a war with America. Putin ADMITS that he would start a war Merica' and knowing Russia with such an aggressive military I don't think they were bluffing. Clinton and Putin already did not like each other, Putin said some stuff about Hillary and Hillary said some stuff about Putin so they already did not like each other. In the election there was reports of a so called "Pinging sound" from under the ice in Canada. They did a search and found nothing but the pings were heard later that year. In my opinion just these incidents prove to me that Hillary would have started a war. And i haven't even mentioned the new nuke Russia released called the "Satan 2".

Did the media bash Trump? - Yes, the media 100% bashed Trump. Throughout the election Trump was bashed by false accusations and manipulated what Trump said to make him look bad. There are so many examples of this but my main one is where the media said "Trump calls all Mexicans rapists, criminals and drug users" which he DID NOT say at all. If you dig deep you will find so many more cases of the media manipulating their power. This may be the case why Trump won even though 90% of the media bashed him throughout the election he still won. If that doesn't show you the power of the people or people seeing the bullshit in the media i don't know what does.

Trump is not a bully, sexual predator or a racist all the people saying he is have this whipped ideology and only see the bad stuff that trump does. Trump has done amazing things throughout his years. If you go and research more you'll see who he really is he isnt this crazed sexual predator, racist rich guy that the media portrays him has. Trust me I was on the opposing side aswell.

Thanks for reading :)

Side: In Favor
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

(If you didn't know America makes a lot of money from wars).

We lost a shit ton of money in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, no.

In my opinion Hillary Clinton would have started WWIII.

WTF? You had that as a plus for Trump.

Side: Against
McSwagger(70) Disputed
1 point

We make huge amount of money from wars.

Just because we make a huge amount of money from war doesn't mean that war is always good, especially with Russia.

Side: In Favor

How is Trump racist, and why should anyone care if people's itty bitty feeling get hurt?

Side: In Favor
2 points

Exactly Trump isn't racist. Its as simple as that. Please provide evidence to why you think hes racist?

Side: In Favor

Uhm... of what exactly are we in favor or against? Not sure what the topic of the debate is.

And by the way Donald Trump didn't get the majority of votes of the American people. Hillary Clinton got around 200,000 more votes... just saying.

Side: Against
McSwagger(70) Disputed
0 points

This myth of Hillary getting 200,000 more votes is really going around huh. She didn't get popular vote. I'm not saying it's your fault for getting this wrong its everywhere.

Side: In Favor
2 points

Donald Trump got 60,5 million votes. 47.2 percent of the popular vote.

Hillary Clinton got 61,3 million votes. 47.9 percent of the popular vote.

Source: president

Side: Against
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Do you not know how numbers work?

Side: Against
1 point

Like another said, it's unclear what we're voting for or against in this debate.

I voted against Trump because I considered him far less qualified, far more dangerous, and quite frankly more crooked. Others saw it the opposite.

My biggest beef with the pro Trump voters is they supported a candidate who not only thrived on hate but who had virtually no plans whatsoever through most of the campaign, and they did it based on their gut feelings and from the whipped up anti Clinton hysteria. And the ultimate result of their actions is Republican control of everything, even though for the last 8 years the Republicans stone walled every last thing the last elected President tried to get going. It's an indication the movie Idiocracy has come to reality.

Side: Against
2 points

OK, but what about all the whipped up anti Trump hysteria ;)

Side: Against
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Trump probably shouldn't have whipped everyone up then. Ba dum dum.

Side: In Favor