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IAmSparticus(1516) pic

Donald Trump's Inconsistent Views

While I am hoping to get responses primarily from Trump supporters, all are clearly welcome.

Donald Trump is looking like he will be the Republican front runner, with most people expecting today's results to strongly favor him.  He is billed as a straight talking man who tells it like it is and doesn't bow down to political correctness.  Yet if you look at the history of his views, it really isn't clear where he stands.  

From the conservative National Review:

"In early 2015, Trump said, “I’m pro-life and I have been pro-life. It’s an issue and a strong issue.” In 1999, however, he told Fox News that he was “totally pro-choice,” and that abortion was a “personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.”

"Fifteen years ago, on the subject of single-payer health care, Trump wrote that he was “a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one.” He argued that America needed to “reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing,” and “improve on the prototype” of the Canadian single-payer system".

"Trump may refuse to cut spending on entitlements, but he also knows that Social Security is approaching insolvency. In 2000, he proposed a solution: “a one-time 14.25 percent tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $10 million.” Such a large sum might have paid down the whole national debt in 2000, but today it wouldn’t make much of a dent, and certainly wouldn’t leave any extra cash to sustain the Social Security Trust Fund. Perhaps even more important, a one-time wealth tax would set a terrible precedent: Few policy prescriptions stay “one-time” for long, especially taxes."

I could go on and on about this, but my question is this: Can one reliably tell which beliefs Donald Trump actually holds? 

Yes, because...

Side Score: 2

No, because...

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1 point

Yes. Donald Trump will reliably take whatever side advances his fame or his money. And if along the way he gets to act like a bully then that's just a bonus to him. It's only contradictory if it hurts his brand. He isn't hard to figure out.

The reason he is beating this pool of Republican candidates is the majority of them are shameless self promoters as well, they just don't have his degree of audacity nor enough independent wealth that they'll be fine even if they lose their campaigns.

Side: Yes, because...

I think a person's position on issues naturally change over time. If you're a liberal candidate, the MSM will say your positions are "evolving" as they did with Obama. If you're a conservative candidate, they will say you're flip flopping as they did with Romney.

Side: Yes, because...
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Theoretically, I agree. But Trump's positions have changed diametrically over a small period of time, and he has not taken principled stances on either. What evidence has Trump given that he actually believes anything that he has said, considering?

And don't even play that "evolving vs flip flopping" shtick. Kerry was practically called a pancake house by the MSM.

You'll also note that I am not criticizing him with "MSM", I am referencing a well known, respected Conservative publication who is saying this.

Side: Yes, because...
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