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 Everything You Know is Wrong! (84)

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Everything You Know is Wrong! the residence science geek and Iconoclast, as a community service  i am going to provide the following. I will do a series. Maybe one issue every couple days or so. 

What I will do is post a recently-discovered factoid by science. One that, although true--and I will provide proof and sources--flies in the face of conventional beliefs. 

That is: Refutes what you think you know.
I will first post my Fact. Then give some time for responses and comments. Then I will answer any questions. Or any contrary claims.


The alleged oil shortage is a Myth. Also...Oil IS NOT a Fossil Fuel! It is NOT caused by the decomposition of organic matter, like former plants and animals. Including dinosaurs.

Rather, it is a very abundant source created by geothermal activity several miles beneath the Earth''s surface. The oil companies have been hiding this fact for years now. Oh, at first they believed it was a Fossil Fuel, but about 10 years ago they discovered the truth. 

 Le'ts go! I welcome all comments and retorts.

I will summarily banish any Trollers.

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Do you have any actual evidence for the abiogentic petroleum origin hypothoses? Last time I checked, they had been debunked and no recent evidence had come out.

1 point

Obviously there is naught or else it'd be posted. A single wikipedia link, as if that can be counted as reliable.

Why do I almost feel (hope would be a better word) that the purpose of this series of debates is simply an experiment into the credulity of the people of this site?

I don't really know when it comes to SlapShot. He swings radically between rational conversations, to belligerent racism or "homophobia" (I put that in quotes because I mean the colloquial definition, not the etymological one), to randomly insult everyone here.

2 points



To understand the reason for this, we return momentarily to the early days of the Cold War when an isolated Soviet Union tasked their top scientists to identify the actual source of oil. Not a weekend homework assignment. After considerable research, in 1956, Russian scientist Professor Vladimir Porfir’yev announced that “crude oil and natural petroleum gas have no intrinsic connection with biological matter originating near the surface of the earth. They are primordial [originating with the earth’s formation] materials which have been erupted from great depths.”

If your eyeballs didn’t fall out when you read that, you might want to read it again.

He said oil doesn’t come from anything biologic, not, as conventional wisdom dictates, from the fossilized remains of dinosaurs and/or ancient plant matter. It comes from very deep in the earth and is created by a biochemical reaction that subjected hydrocarbons (elements having carbon and hydrogen) to extreme heat and intense pressure during the earth’s formation.

Russians referred to this oil (any oil, really) as “abiotic oil” because it is not created from the decomposition of biological life forms, but rather from the chemical process continually occurring inside the earth.

I know, easy for Porfir’yev to say. But it turns out it was more than just a theory.

Because shortly after the Russians discovered this, they started drilling ultra-deep wells and finding oil at 30,000 and 40,000 feet below the earth’s surface. These are staggering depths, and far below the depth at which organic matter can be found, which is 18,000 feet.

Interesting, eh?

The Russians applied their theory of abiotic deep-drilling technology to the Dnieper-Donets Basin, an area understood for the previous half a century to be barren of oil. Of sixty wells drilled there using abiotic technology, thirty-seven became commercially productive—a 62 percent success rate compared with the roughly 10 percent success rate of a U.S. wildcat driller. The oil found in the basin rivaled Alaska’s North Slope.

Let’s say they had a good hair day.

But it doesn’t stop there, not by a long shot. Since their earlier discoveries, the major Russian oil companies have quietly drilled more than 310 ultra-deep wells and put them into production.

Result? Russia recently overtook Saudi Arabia as the planet’s largest oil producer.

Maybe they are onto something.

Though there were papers written on this early on, almost all were in Russian and few made it to the West. And those that did were laughed at.

No more. With Russia’s rejection of the Exxon-Yukos deal (Putin did not want this technology and their abiotic oil experts exported to the West) and the access to information now available on the Internet, the word has begun to spread rapidly to the West. Still, it hasn’t taken hold yet.

Why not? This is huge. Oil is not a fossil fuel! And it’s renewable! Wow!

There are a couple of factors at play here.

Big oil has a vested interest in pushing the idea that oil is scarce, hard to find, and thus costly to produce—all of which, of course, means increased revenues and profits. This is a story in itself, but not the primary focus here.

More relevant to our story is the fact that a cornerstone of the environmental movement is this: oil is a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel that is scarce, and is in limited and ever decreasing supply. Moreover, its production creates carbon dioxide. Therefore its use, for virtually all productive purposes—agricultural production, real estate construction, auto, truck, train and air transportation, utilities, heating, cooling, communication, ad infinitum (all of them)—must be curtailed.

According to the thirty-year update of the book The Limits to Growth,

“A prime example of a nonrenewable resource is fossil fuels, whose limits should be obvious, although many people, including distinguished economists, are in denial over the elementary fact. More than 80 percent of year 2000 commercial energy use comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels—oil, natural gas, and coal. The underground stocks of fossil fuels are going continuously and inexorably down. . . .

“Peak gas production will certainly occur in the next 50 years, the peak for oil production will occur much sooner, probably within the decade.”

Scary stuff. Frightening. But as false as a hooker’s smile.

Oil is not a fossil fuel.

And it is “renewable.”

While I have never been a fan of Putin the Macho, the Russians have demonstrcted the accuracy of their theory in the only place it counts—the oil field. Oil is not only abiotic, it continues to populate fields that were understood to be as dry of petroleum as a desert wind. In fact, some scientists believe it is the centrifugal force of the planet’s rotation that forces abiotic oil toward the planet’s surface on a continuous basis.

“There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.” —the late Katherine Graham, owner of the Washington Post

So Con #2 is that oil is a fossil fuel (which it isn’t), that it is scarce and being depleted (which it isn’t), that it is nonrenewable (which it isn’t), and that, as a result, catastrophe looms (which it doesn’t) unless we drastically curtail our use of petroleum.

Thanks for the history lesson. I had no idea it was not organic; that it originated in the bowels of the earth on a continuous basis. I learn something new everyday.

Pantagruel(984) Clarified
1 point

The abiotic petroleum hypothesis has been thoroughly debunked.

As RationalWiki states:

Having largely passed with the USSR, it occasionally makes a comeback among less intellectual conservative elements, where it is used as an excuse to continue ignoring the energy crisis of the future. Russian creationists also favour it.

2 points

What I will do is post a recently-discovered factoid by science. One that, although true--and I will provide proof and sources--flies in the face of conventional beliefs.

So, where's all the proof and sources?

Looking through each of your posts, I see nothing.

That is: Refutes what you think you know.

Pretty shoddy job at it.

I will first post my Fact. Then give some time for responses and comments. Then I will answer any questions. Or any contrary claims.

What makes you such an expert? Rather, what makes your alleged expert superior to that of scientific consensus?


The alleged oil shortage is a Myth. Also...Oil IS NOT a Fossil Fuel! It is NOT caused by the decomposition of organic matter, like former plants and animals. Including dinosaurs.

Rather, it is a very abundant source created by geothermal activity several miles beneath the Earth''s surface. The oil companies have been hiding this fact for years now. Oh, at first they believed it was a Fossil Fuel, but about 10 years ago they discovered the truth.

This has been debunked.

As RationalWiki states,

[this notion] occasionally makes a comeback among less intellectual conservative elements

You can talk out of your ass all you want, nobody's buying it unless they want it to be true. Unfortunately, that is the problem with today's internet civilization: people are mostly exposed to what they want to be exposed to, so they only learn what they want to learn and they only interact with like-minded people who do little other than feed their ignorance.

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Relax, relax. unlike you guys..I have a life outside of Create Debate. is some more info which will help explain the abio-genetic origins and formations of oil.

Pantagruel(984) Disputed
1 point

I read a paper in a medical journal maybe a year and a half ago bemoaning the state of American medical education where a survey indicated that a large percentage of med students get their information directly from wikipedia.

America is dying and it is the laziness and imbecility of Americans that is the knife stabbing America in the back time and time again.

1 point

Why exactly does it matter if we call it a fossil fuel?

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

It "matters" because the energy industry and the textbooks and everybody, including you, has been mislead and mis-informed forever.

The term "fossil fuel"' implies a limited resource. A commodity. The term justifies exorbitant prices. Manipulation. Control.

It is like claiming that only bottled water is safe to drink and so you have to pay more for it, and you cannot use the abundance of tap water we have available.

The word "fossil" does not belong in fossil fuel. It is like calling oxygen "pterodactyl breath."

What the fuck do you even ask me why it matters if it erroneously called "fossil fuel?"

I guess you dont mind being lied to or controlled like a sheep?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

The terminology involved has nothing to do with it being considered a rare commodity. As long as they claim that is limited it doesn't matter what they call it. Getting people to call it something else won't do anything to change the idea that it is a rare commodity.

There are four sides to fossil fuel:

Side 1: Oil

Side 2: Energy

Side 3: Liquid

Side 4: Crystal

What do YOU think?

1 point

But I already knew I was wrong about lots of things. So if everything I know is wrong, then something I knew was right (?!)

Anyway, I look forward to this series of topics.

Regarding the fossil fuels, if oil did not come from decaying plants and animals then why is the bulk of it found in areas which used to be ancient ocean floors or massive plant grown areas?

1 point

The oil being emitted from deep within the Earth is especially able to permeate ocean floors due to their general lesser density than harder and rockier surfaces, such as on the land masses.

Thanks for your interest in my series.

The next one is gonna knock your socks off, amigo!

1 point

You make a valid point!

You no doubt Do know things that are factual. My debate title is indeed a slight exaggeration.

1 point

Ok its not fossil fuel. How is it renewable? What is it? Why cant it be produced under laboratory conditions to prove what it is?

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

See my previous posts as to what oil really is and where it originates!

SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

please read my posts and links to see what oil really is!! Which is a substance naturally emitted form deep within the Earth.

1 point

A bit more on oil is not in short supply, and NOT a fossil fuel. That notion originated 100 years ago and has now been roundly debunked.....

To begin with, oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a theory put forth by 18th century scientists. Within 50 years, Germany and France's scientists had attacked the theory of petroleum's biological roots. In fact, oil is abiotic, not the product of long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all about it!

In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian scientists, cut off from the Western World's oil supply, applied their keen minds to the problem and, by the 1960s, had thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is it any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading producers and exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War forced Russia to dig deeper, literally, to find oil deeper in the earth in some places, and to look in other places where no one had thought to look to reveal more.

And to others who have oil, it must either rattle its saber, as with Venezuela, threaten to kill its president who will not buckle and sell all his oil to America. And with the Saudis we will protect them from their own terrorists and any Saddam that comes along. And we will get in bed with them so long as we can have the lion's share of their oil, and the say-so as to who gets the rest. And therein lays the evil genius, secret and sham of the 'Peak Oil' put on.

If oil, as coal, and natural gas, restores itself by nature, if we will more likely run into it then out of it, how do we continue to make money on it? Certainly not by giving oil away at some reasonable price. After World War II, oil was about 25 cents a gallon at the pump. Even given the spiraling inflation since then-last week I paid $3.50 a gallon for it in New York City, 14 times that price. A week after the summer holiday season ended (the peak usage season), oil is down to $3 a gallon. I doubt if I'm the only one who notices oil's price shoot up every summer, then slither down a bit after, and then climb up in the middle of the winter when the heating bills waft in, and old and poor people who can't afford the hikes begin to freeze and die in their own homes.

Someone is shilling for the American petro-brokers, because 'Peak Oil' is a wonderful concept to use to go out and war for "the control" of oil resources. So that a barrel of crude can suddenly jump from $20 to $70 to $100 a barrel, or to two, three or four hundred dollars a barrel, therefore providing exponentially expanding profits for oil companies and oil suppliers who relish the idea of having an "inelastic demand" for their gasoline. 'Peak Oil,' as writer Dave McGowan points out in his priceless Newsletters, which you can find at, 'Peak Oil' will even drive oil companies like Shell, to attempt to shut down an incredibly profitable facility, like the one it owns in Bakersfield, California,.

Let's demystify it all.

The real reason a company like Shell Oil would close a facility like Bakersfield-to bulldoze it, stop it-is to halt the production, refining, and supply to drive up the price of oil. It's that goddamn simple and ugly. And we're doing the same thing today in Iraq, bulldozing a country, to control and reduce its oil supply. Never mind supplying a botched democracy that we can't even supply for ourselves in America.

Concurrently, we are also bringing apocalypse to its population, thinning it with more than 100,000 dead, tearing its infrastructure apart, water, sewage, power, media, hospitals, name it. We are decentralizing Iraq's cities, driving people out of them or out of the country, or bombing them back to the Stone Age as our generals are so found of saying. And Iraq, like Afghanistan, is the paradigm of the future, of how we will engulf and devour countries, cities, even our own, like New Orleans for instance, whose Gulf is a rich source of oil, and through whose ports pass a large percentage of our nation's supply.

The U.S. political henchmen are thinning the Iraq population to fatten the profits of the oil barons like David Rockefeller. In McGowan's own inimical words, from page three of another Newsletter:

THE ROCKEFELLER CORPORATE OIL MAJORS should be thrown into jail for selling fraudulently priced items as well as cheating on generations of their corporate taxes (due to tax write off 'depletion allowances,' which they knew were lies. This abiotic oil story is perhaps the largest underground ((no pun intended)) scam story of the past 200 years: an ongoing corporate success of pricing abiotic renewable oil to act out an artificial scarcity, combined with all the related ideologies required to sell that motif of artificial scarcity, and all the millions they have made and still make on the fraud, and all the tax dollars they have, stolen, etc."

In this concept of 'Peak Oil' you have the system's secret to hold the world hostage. Not that we shouldn't take care to not overuse oil, not that we should avoid conservation, or even to stop poking the planet, and actually seek purely organic ways in which to live. But now, now that we are here, and have billions of people to sustain, we must not let vast numbers of them be harmed, murdered, abused, because of feigned shortages, economies overturned by outrageous prices, everyday working people be bankrupted by same, to get to work, to warm their homes, to cook their families' food, to participate in an organized society. We must not make the beasts, the Bilderbergers, the elites, the oligarchs use the 'Peak Oil' lever to bend the backs of the world on its wrack.

Believing in 'Peak Oil' is not a price to pay to avoid the price of drilling for oil in new ways, for setting fair and unwavering commodity prices. The cost of blood and lives and the future of nations are too much to pay for the folly of 'Peak Oil.' In fact, realizing that oil is a self-renewing resource puts the neocon agenda into a new perspective. Instead of seeing 'Peak Oil' as the end days of technological civilization literally losing its power, see this idea as the further manipulation towards fascist power and subjugation that it is: still another way to scare the world into believing its resources are terminally finite, and that we must be led into another and another war that must be waged to survive.

If we do not accept the lie, the manipulation of 'Peak Oil," it is not to say we can't devise new systems to bring life and the world forward. It is only to put the petroleum barons on notice. It then gives us a chance to bring people together, to tear away the false scarcity, to share resources, to experience peace, to alleviate poverty with the abundance of renewable hydrocarbon resources, as with the abundance of the human imagination. Or else we end up with another Ruppert rubric, Sizing Up the Competition - Is China the Endgame?, another piece of priceless paranoia to peddle for perdition, another dark ops for a bright new generation of believers. More war, endless war it is, to enrich the already rich, to impoverish the already poor.

Do not let this happen, even in the short run. As reported by the Energy Information Administration, International Energy Agency, files: "THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF OIL."

First off, we have a glut of oil since demand is down, so therefore, no shortage.

How is oil created by geothermal activity?

My entire life has been a lie .

1 point

I think you got this backwards.

Everything YOU know is wrong.

So, SlapShot, I think your next debate should be entitled "Everything I know is wrong!"

0 points many linked sources have I given this far? Four?

Far more than I ever see any of you guys provide for your shit. is another!

With pictures!!!

Please read and correct my initial feeling that I am casting pearls before swine when I try to tell you guys science facts here on CD.

1 point

This is your second linked source. The rest of your sources have just been copied and pasted without the link to the source material.