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Feminism is biased. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 Feminism is biased. (9)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

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jolie(9809) pic

Feminism is not a movement for unbiased gender equality.

Feminism is biased.

Side Score: 11

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 8
2 points

The deeper you dig, you more biases you will unearth.

Side: Feminism is biased.
1 point

Rebelnews is a questionable source.

"Overall, we rate Rebel News Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor sourcing, and several failed fact checks."

So many extreme bias low factual websites no wonder there is so much polarization and fragmentation.

Supporting Evidence: Rebel news questionable source. (
Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Another-Alt(237) Clarified
1 point

So many extreme bias low factual websites no wonder there is so much polarization and fragmentation.

The danger isn't sites with obvious low credibility. A far greater danger are sites such as Wikipedia, which are sometimes highly credible, and other times provide a mouthpiece for special interest groups and state-sponsored propaganda. You have a terrible habit of trusting blatant bullshit when it comes from sources with a reasonable reputation and lack the intelligence to realise propagandists seek out these types of sources deliberately.

Side: Feminism is biased.

Here contains a very well written on argument on the matter from the fabulous Katie Hopkins. Although ignore the part written by the dreadful Ulrika Johnson. whether-the-word-feminist-should-be-banned.html

Side: Feminism is biased.
1 point

You are a Sun reader. Figures :P

Side: Feminism is biased.
2 points

I only occasionally read online the articles that Katie has written, I actually hate the rag and the whole Murdoch empire. The rag is aimed at dumb, heterosexual men.

Side: Feminism is biased.
1 point

If we're planning on learning anything from GamerGate.. it should be this.

Side: Feminism is biased.
1 point

"Feminism means equality of the sexes" except men are pigs and women deserve respect and men don't. That's not what feminism should be about, but it's what it has become. Feminism should mean supporting women's right to do what she wants with her body, not encouraging her to do extreme things because "men are pigs blah blah". And honestly women demand so much from men, but the second men do the same it's a different story and women get pissed off. You cannot fight sexism by being sexist. You cannot fight hate by hating. It's that simple.

Side: Feminism is biased.
1 point

Once your items are properly packed, your moving service will take care to load them onto the moving truck with care. They will carefully place these items in the truck and secure them to prevent shifting during transport.

Side: Feminism is biased.

Feminism is not a singular movement in and of itself, so why refer to it as such? There are damn near a dozen different types of feminist schools of thought, most of which are mutually exclusive and STRONGLY disagree with each other. Their concepts of "gender equality" differ immensely. So which one are you trying to refer to?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

When it becomes too difficult to sort them out, I just lump them all together. Kinda like when I was in the army. Some were good, some were not, I couldn't tell the good ones from the bad ones so... shoot them all and let God sort them out. That's His job anyway.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

It isn't too difficult to sort them out if you bother to learn about the differences.

Side: Feminism is biased.

Well it's like extremism,if anyone is a feminist like Elizabeth Browning well life would be hard for her.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Feminism, in general, can be defined as a movement to eradicate sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression, and to achieve full gender equality in law and practice. But today, there are many people who take advantage of this uno online to express incorrect views about gender equality

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

First, there are multiple schools of thoughts in feminism. Some do contradict each other but they all have the same goal of gender equality. Just as there is the theory of abiogenesis, with multiple mutually exclusive ways abiogenesis could have occurred but all supporting the abiogenesis hypothesis.

One example is some feminist focus on the sexual revolution and see slut walks as good other see them as sexual objectification and as a step backwards.

Personally, I focus on economic equity and the gender pay gap. Why are cashiers which are more likely to be female paid less than usually males who stock the shelves?

Older women really get hit hard when they have less social security and retirement money. This is why we need more babysitting services and government health care.

Supporting Evidence: Gender pay gap rationalwiki. (
Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I really appreciated how the author presented both sides of the argument in a fair and balanced way magic tiles 3. It helped me better understand the issue.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!