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 For What Reason Does Society Treat Woman Like Children? (4)

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Ignoramis(381) pic

For What Reason Does Society Treat Woman Like Children?

I feel that the reason woman are deprived of a lot of opportunities and treated softly by the law, is because society views them as children. Their intelligence is underrated, and consequently, they get off much easier for things a guy would get in a lot of trouble for. Some examples are: Karla Homolka, Casey Anthony, the girl who cut off that guy's dick etc ...
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3 points

For the same reasons we treat the the poor like deadbeats, the elderly like dinosaurs, other races and cultures like they're aliens, and enemy soldiers like they're monsters -- because it let's us feel superior and take actions that selfishly promote us (men) over them. If you can rationalize that women are like children then you can tell them what to do, make choices without consulting them, monopolize resources for yourself and other men, and treat them like trophies or toys. It's all about control. And it's all about making exercising that control palatable and justifiable to the man as he's doing it.

1 point

I think society treats woman like children. Woman is second-class citizen. Since woman is weaker than man, many sex offences happen to woman. Many biases about woman are still exist in the society. So, it is a matter of course society cherishes woman like children.

-1 points

because women are weaker than men and less mature since men rule with patriarchy and women don't. women are more similar to children than men are since women are weaker, don't have as many responsibilities, don't know as much and aren't as powerful.

Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
2 points

I have such a hard time taking this seriously when something as simple as basic capitalization and grammar are lacking. But as a woman I must not know as much.

fishfish77(54) Clarified
1 point

Women on average have lower iq's than men meaning that they don't know as much.