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 Four minute video explaining why capitalism is a temporary phase (29)

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DeathWolf666(372) pic

Four minute video explaining why capitalism is a temporary phase

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1 point

Among all the points in this video that are factually inaccurate, is the claim that Esteban Maito perceived falling profit rates over time. He didn't. He theorized them. Empirical research has shown a steady rise in average real profits over time. An easy way for the layman to observe this is to consider the material wealth you have available to you now, and compare it to that of John D Rockefeller.

Any projection into the future of overall profits may lead one to predict a decline. But that does not account for unforeseen moneymaking endeavors that future entrepreneurs may discover through innovation.

Even if human creativity came to a screeching halt and no one did anything new ever again, people would still be better off specializing their labor and voluntarily trading the fruits thereof for the fruits of the labor of others. Even if profit margins are at a steady state.

Marxists aren't good at economics because Marx was not a good economist. Capitalism wins because it aligns with reality. Marxism seeks to bend reality to Marxism, so it will always fail.

0 points

For once you state the raw facts, although you picked a dead OG of oil-tycoon-Illuminati-faction as opposed to present ones to make your point (JDR).

I respect it regardless, capitalism is a truth of human greed and ego; the aim is to tame it and sustain it, not destroy it.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
0 points

I often support my position with statistics. Your tone here is only different because you happen to believe the facts I present. If my position was based on earth being flat, you would be here saying “For once you state the raw facts”.

I chose JDR for his material wealth compared to ours, nothing more or less.

Capitalism is rooted in truths, but it’s foundation is more than greed and ego.

0 points

Capitalism wins because it aligns with reality.

Capitalism holds humanity back because only what is profitable gets done and we prioritize profit over efficiency and sustainability. It does not align with reality because it depends on a series of superstitious beliefs to function. If you don't believe in the made up concepts of money, ownership and laws etc. you can't have capitalism.

1 point

What you got to say you uninformed troll ????????????

1 point

Hey Dummy are you unable to use Al Gore's Amazing Internet ???????????

1 point

Hey Dummy have you taken up your internet genius with this capitalist ??????????

Bill Gates/Net worth

96 billion USD


You really should and explain to the billionaire that Capitalism is only a temporary phase !!!!!! Your ignorance and entertainment value continue to grow !!!!!!!!

1 point

Tom Steyer/Net worth

1.6 billion USD


Thomas Fahr Steyer is an American billionaire hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, liberal activist, and fundraiser

Dummy are you going to tell the Liberal Activist that Capitalism is just a temporary phase ???????????

1 point

What you gonna say now you uninformed idiot ????????????????

0 points

You can tell that this guy doesn't understand what the point of recession is to people who run the stock markets and the insurance companies as well as banks that rely on it.

You wanna fuck with the top level of Illuminati? You better keep ya head down, kid. They are out of your league, even I know my place.

-1 points

Yes this is why the lower classes will ultimately overthrow the beorgiose

Hello D:

I went to war against fucking commies like you.. Apparently, some of slimier ones slipped through the cracks.. But, we'll get you the next time around..

The fact that I'm HATED by the likes of you means I'm DOING my job.. Fuck you in your commie ass..

excon, Jewish/American Warrior

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

SUPER STUPID you lie because that is all you can do ! Tell us all about your tour in Vietnam you LYING IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!

0 points

excon, Jewish/American Warrior

Should read: excon, fake Jew and mental slave to American propaganda. I can't believe you were tricked into risking your life in the military so that the US could suppress the rise of socialism and exploit 3rd world countries. You're a worthless peon.