
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:78
Total Votes:83
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 True. (27)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (41)

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jolie(9809) pic

Gayness is contagious.

I know this guy who was married for years, has 2 kids and then one day he accidentally walked into a gay bar, ordered a beer a caught a bad case of the gayness.  When he got home he started doing interior decorating, speaking with a lisp and everything.  Eventally he got a divorced.

Please careful out there and don't catch the gayness.


Side Score: 34

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 44
2 points

It is highly contagious. I hope they make a vaccine for it ;)

Side: True.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

' Must be something like that "Skittle Pox" we hear about on TV? I just hope they don't shoot me for carrying the Skittle Pox if I catch it! ;-)

Side: True.
1 point

I just hope they don't shoot people for having the gayness ;)

Side: True.
2 points

Extremely...........their population keep growing. Default and installation.

Side: True.
2 points

So is heterosexuality, and like a replicating virus heterosexuality keeps multiplying itself until the whole world is ready to burst from overpopulation. Maybe we need to inoculate the world with gayness in order to save the world from heterosexuality?

Side: True.
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

Hey, gay is the virus here.

Heterosexuality is the original natural sensible order. It cannot be called contagious.

Gay is the disorder here.

The illness.

Like children born morons. Hormonal disorder. Only a corruption can be contagious. Gay, be a moron, dumb, deaf etc are as a result of corruption or disorder in the natural sensible design.

Its just that gays are sick and proud and campaign for acceptance, for us to say it's okay to be sick ,like a new style in the system(probably evolution.....lmao).....

Man!! Gays need cure.

They should stop being proud and ask for a solution.

I won't play cool guy.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Grenache(6053) Disputed
2 points

Such anger. Are you sure you're not secretly infected with it and afraid to come out of the closet?

Side: True.
Dermot(5736) Disputed
2 points

There you have it , hate , anger , and ignorance yet IT claims to be a follower of Jesus ......did Jesus hold the same views ?

Side: True.
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

No. Discrimination and stupidity, along with Christian ignorance is the virus here. Your GOD, (allegedly), CREATED gays, and IT also "created" ""born morons, dumb, deaf,"

and .... Christian conservatives "as a result of disorder in the natural, sensitive design." This "creator" is a hell of a bad designer. Consider the design of women. S/HE/IT located the playground too close to the dump! MAN! WE need a new design engineer! (LMAO!) MAN! You should stop playing proud and fire the cool guy that calls himself the ultimate HR exec!

Side: True.
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

How can you believe we are all "created", by this thing you call a god, and NOT respect his "other creations"? If it's true that S/HE/IT created viruses, .... and YOU, and gays, IT must want ALL of them here, and shouldn't you respect the creations ... ALL of them? Gays have been around for longer than Jesus. No "cure" can be found because there ISN'T one. If homosexuality isn't wanted by your god, why has he allowed it to exist for so long? Maybe he was waiting to create YOU so you could destroy it?? Go back to university, maybe you can find that CURE!? YOU should stop being proud and FIND a solution! There are those who would like it better if YOU were not around ... one of them is now a White House Advisor! He isn't playing a "cool guy" either. He is just as sick and thinks YOU are a disease (if that's your picture). I hope he doesn't find a cure for HIS idea of corruption in the natural, sensible design, you won't be LYAO!

Side: True.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

When do the scientist you have faith in make the date of predication that the whole world burst from overpopulation ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Grenache(6053) Disputed
2 points

I don't know. Doesn't matter. Because it was a joke on a debate website.

What fascinates me about you trolls is the only time you have any sense of humor is when you think you and you alone were clever about something. Which only proves you're all just bores.

Side: True.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

How did you come to exist in this world without heterosexuality ? Was it a virus that you came to existence ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Is it possible that you will be the fuse to cause the whole world to burst from overpopulation ? Do you really want to shoulder all that responsibility ?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Well then I'm glad me and my family are able to take you down with us. See you in hell, sucka.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Zombie movies have been warning us of this for years! How could we be so blind?

Side: True.
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Wait, now I'm confused. Are the flesh eating zombies also wanting to screw me in the arse? Because now I don't know whether to be even more terrified or to be unable to suspend disbelief now and end up just laughing at the whole thing.

Side: True.
NicolasCage(505) Clarified
1 point

They may just give you a rim job... not an expert on the subject, though, you may have to consult Reddit.

"Gay Zombies From Outer Space" would be a good title for a B sci-fi movie, though, no?

Side: True.
2 points

It is reasonable to accept that as more people come out that other people will feel more confident to do so.

Its not a matter of contagion more a matter of the increasing level acceptance

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

So... acceptance leads to contagion? ;)

Is it like when they give you sick days and then all of the sudden it's OK to be sick so you feel sick and you stay home? Like when you were a kid and didn't want to go to school?

Kinda like: "I feel a bad case of the gayness coming on... Oh...., Oh...., and there it is!!! I feel fabulous!!!" ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

You are mixing your metaphor

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with contagion

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Well, the condition used to be illegal. Then it was decriminalized, but viewed by most with distaste and/or hostility.

Later, and quite rightly, it became accepted by the population at large.

After this it became, and remains popular.

I hope I'm not around when the affliction becomes compulsory.

Going on the old adage, 'prevention is better than cure'', the major drug companies should give priority to developing an anti-gay vaccine which could be used by governments worldwide in a mass immunization programme.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Been around gay people quite a bit. Still not gay...

... One guy did make a move on me though. lol

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Some people are immune ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Maybe I can turn some lesbians straight if I tried. :D

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!