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 Gender Roles (15)

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kgraz1230(5) pic

Gender Roles

Can men and women successfully switch roles in the workplace? Or at home as mothers and fathers? Has our society made men and women equal? Is it possible for a man or a woman to play both roles in our society? Whether it be women as firefighters, or men as nurses, or single mothers or single fathers. Explain with examples please!
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By 'gender roles' you seem to be referring to 'gender stereotypes.' And yes, people of both genders can fit into pretty much any stereotype. Hence society trying to change terms like 'firemen' to 'firefighters.'

2 points

You wanted an example so I'll make it personal.

I spent decades with a woman who was dead weight and not a partner at all. After I got her out of my life I then found my wife who is the most amazing partner. Both of us came from a background where we pretty much had to take care of everything ourselves and now together we have basically double abilities of traditional couples. The only thing my wife can do that I can't is the biological - such as have a baby and breast feed it. Everything else we both can do and indeed do:

Work, child care, domestic duties, cooking, etc.

If either of us fell into a coma for a year the other could and would do it all solo until the other came out of the coma.

The only limits on what people can achieve through their gender are the most basic of biological differences like I already mentioned. Everything else either men or women can do if indeed they really do want to do it. Most of the time when a gender falls short in some category it's because they just don't want to do what is in that category. But that doesn't mean they can't do it.

luckin(175) Clarified
1 point

I'm just ask a question out of curiosity just to know what your answer would be. What about the people who are physically or mentally disabled who are completely incapable accomplishing certain tasks? Do you think they could learn how to do them or are they just not able to? What do you think of the people who marry someone that can do things that they can't like cooking or cleaning for example? Like I said, I'm just curious to see what you think.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Every couple makes their own assessment of what each side of the relationship is willing and able to do. If they decide to divide duties then that's fine. Whatever works for them. If one becomes incapacitated, such as they have a stroke and can't do much of anything after, then their loving partner should step up and keep taking care of them both. I'm not advocating cut and dry 50/50 and everybody does everything. I'm just saying either gender is fully capable of doing any part of the puzzle with the exception of those things which are biologically impossible.

By the way, with my dead weight ex I indeed had made peace for a very long time with the belief I would just have to do everything. And we made it 17 years. It was dysfunctional, and I always knew I could do better than her, but I stayed by her. What changed in the end is she got caught cheating, more than once. I'll tell you, love can keep someone going for a long time, but if the only good thing they think they have is love and then you prove that love is a lie then there is nothing left that can save that relationship. If instead she had been contributing to our success in some meaningful way, or was raising a family with me, or was all around good except she couldn't keep her pants on, then it's most probable we would have still been together despite her tendency to cheat. But none of that was true. There was literally zero redeeming value left to being with her.

2 points

Most roles in today's society are interchangeable. Some roles are going to be statistically biased as men and women tend to have different strengths. These roles are few but they exist. Nonetheless, strength tendencies do not rule out any one individual from focusing on a given strength and succeeding in a given role.

1 point

I believe that men and women can equally work their opposite "gender roles". For example, there are plenty of women out there who are now competitive weight lifters and fire women, and are in the military. In that same respect, there are plenty of men who are dance instructors, or nurses, or nannies, jobs that were originally thought to be specific to each gender.

I also do believe that a man can be a stay-at-home-father in the same way a woman can be a working-class-woman. Our society has advanced to the point where the stereotypes that used to exist for jobs are obsolete. We live in a world where a woman has just the same amount of freedom as a man, and is respected in the same sense that a man is. Sure, in some cases it's easier for a woman to do a certain job or a man to do a certain job, but we've evolved to the point that anyone can be anything and do anything they wish to without being held back by their gender.

Can a woman do many things a man can do? Yes.

Are their many things a woman can not do that a man can do? Yes.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what a woman or man is capable of.

For people who have not been brainwashed into political correctness, we know that each gender has traits that supports their intended roles in life. Can they choose to ignore those traits and intended roles? Of course they can but that does not change what roles their gender was destined to be.

Women have breasts so they can breast feed their babies. It was not nature's plan that they pump their milk into a bottle so the man could stay home with the baby.

If you watch nature shows, you can clearly see the roles of males and females. But when it comes to humans, feminist women are too insecure to admit their intended roles in life.

1 point

The guy who is trying to tell women how to live talks about insecurity.


Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Well God and nature gave you a dick so obviously you're meant to be one. That fits.

Insert ban because of no sense of humor here.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I can handle humor. I can't handle deception. You are fine so far:)

1 point

I don't think men and women can switch roles at all, let alone in the workplace. Reason being, men created a lot of the jobs that exist today, so the jobs were brought to exist with the physique and strength of men in mind. For example, a woman firefighter isn't something you'd see because men almost always have the weight, bone structure, and strength behind them to do things like kick open doors, life burning beams of wood, and brave the smoke and fire to carry someone unconscious out of a burning building. You also wouldn't really see a male florist because men don't have as well of an eye for detail that women have, so matching flowers to suit a certain occasion or mood would come easy to women.

Our society today has seen many a single mother surviving with her kid(s) and making it work, however with single fathers, yes they exist but most of the time the children they bring up have issues with how they were raised because the fathers lack the motherly love and nurturing that is crucial to children.

I don't believe at all that men and women can equally work both roles because some roles were made for women and others were made for men, and that's just how it is.

-1 points

All we have to do is remove the wombs from 50% of women and put them in men so both genders equally share in gestation of children. Then 50 percent of the women would be men, and 50 percent of the men will be women, and then it's all fair.

It's like this: 100 women

100 men

change that to

50 women who are men after their wombs are removed

50 women who remain women

50 men who become women with the transplanted wombs

50 men who remain men

Then what do we have? GENDER EQUALITY!!!!!!!!!

100 men

100 women


I hope this helps.

SlapShot(2608) Disputed
0 points

you sound as if you are unaware that gender and sex are NOT the same thing.

you DO know that, don't you?

Sex is determined at birth. It is in accordance to your genitalie. it is on your birth certifictate. you are either male or female. (we will for now discount the very rare exceptions of hermaphrodites).

gender is NONE of those things.

NOT on you Birth Cert.

NOT determined by genitalia.

NOT the same as sex.

you should not argue on issues you are ignorant of.

then again, that would really decrease the debates in which you could participate, wouldn't it?


Just messin with ya, bro.

But look..............

Gender is simply, what sex you FEEL like you are

Hope this helps.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

The country has pretty much gone completely bonkers.......who would have thought gender flexible would be a serious debate?

sceathers(155) Disputed
1 point

That's Orwellian double-speak (aka BS). "Gender" comes from the Latin genus - which is simply a way to classify members of a species, based on their reproductive roles.