
Debate Info

Atheists Theists/Religious People
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Atheists (2)
 Theists/Religious People (8)

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Kittiana(154) pic

Generally Speaking, Which People are More Closed-Minded ?


Side Score: 4

Theists/Religious People

Side Score: 11
2 points

They both are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Atheists
2 points

I have only posted over here to even things up but I think they can both be as closed minded as each other. Some Atheists are very open minded about a lot of things but as soon as Religion comes up their minds snap shut, whilst some Religous types refuse to listen or learn about anything unless they have been guided there by their religion and refuse to listen to anything else.

Side: Atheists

But extreme atheists are also VERY narrow-minded. (Hitchens for instance).

Side: Theists/Religious People
2 points

I would say generally it is the theists. This is because a lot of theists are content with just accepting it on faith, which in that case how could something change your mind, because evidence clearly doesn't matter to them.

Some theists don't accept it just on faith, but I am on about generally. Some atheists are closed minded as well, but I would say that this is a smaller proportion.

Side: Theists/Religious People
2 points


I've got to go with theists.

Atheists may have at one point been theistic, and after opening their mind they came to the realization that their beliefs were flawed. Even the ones that weren't theistic at a time they are open to new ideas like scientific theories, and if they care at all, they pick apart the theories to discover the truths in those.

While theists here the one truth they want to believe, and simply deny every other piece of information that comes in that doesn't coincide with their beliefs.

Side: Theists/Religious People
1 point

I have given thought to every known religion out there, tried it out, just to make sure it wasn't for me, and none of them were. So, I thought as I had to start with, that there is no use in religion. But I did give it a go. I find many religious people out there refusing to accept other religions, and go around trying to convert everyone! They especially reject atheism :L But this is only from the people I have encountered, I'm not going to make any sharp assumptions/generalisations.

Side: Theists/Religious People

I think most of us are open to the possibility and would be willing to accept the idea that religion, spirituality, god, whatever is all actual if we had any reason to think so. Majority of atheists (where I am a rare exception) used to be religious before, and look back on their leave of their religion with some melancholy. It is not like any of us want all spirituality and a god to not exist, if we could decide that a good, loving god did exist whom would make the universe better I think most of us would choose this god to exist in a heartbeat. However Atheist going religious is a lot more rare, so which is more close-minded? Atheists where the majority has experienced religion or where at least practically all used to claim spirituality, or theists, where majority of them have never gone without their belief except before they started believing of course? I don't deny however some atheists are close-minded, there are some pretty ignorant and close-minded atheists. God in and of itself is a very farfetched idea, however this isn't reason alone to hold god not worthy of any belief, or to dismiss every argument for god, and some atheists have that attitude. There are close-minded people in both groups, atheism is just a word with a definition, being open-minded isn't essential to being an atheist, nor a theist. Nor is there anything close-minded about what it means to be an atheist in my opinion, same goes for theism for the most part, thus there is no reason to think either mandates close-mindedness. In my honest opinion however I will say theists are more likely to be close-minded since they already reached a conclusion about reality before anything to validate it, thus they are less likely to accept any other realities, even if this is only slightly less likely to accept other realities it's still less likely. Where as, as an atheist, we admit ignorance on a lot of things, like true origin, and all gaps of knowledge where god could explain it all, thus we are open to any and all possibilities equally because we hesitate to give any concept to explain those things any more credit than another until we allow the concept to earn that credibility.

Side: Theists/Religious People
1 point

Just going to go out there and say it. Faith in other people is great. Faith in the guy you've never seen up there isn't. What has he done for you? The two things that really help you are luck and practice.

Side: Theists/Religious People
1 point

Defninetly these people. If it contridicts what they belive they cry about it and say you're wrong, while athiests tend to be free thinking individuals. I'm not saying this is true in all cases, but they are in most.

Side: Theists/Religious People

Theists with exceptions. Those exceptions would be those who use their Religion to hate others.

Side: Theists/Religious People