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 Grown Up Snowflakes at Berkeley Faculty boycott their jobs to "Protest Free Speech Week" (7)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Grown Up Snowflakes at Berkeley Faculty boycott their jobs to "Protest Free Speech Week"

 University of California Berkeley is bracing for a terrifying storm known as "Free Speech Week" and Berkeley's faculty is not happy about it. According to a letter written by seven faculty members - that reads a bit like a temper tantrum  teachers at Berkeley should take several steps to quash any hint of free speech on campus: cancel classes, refuse to show up for work, close and lock classrooms and study areas, and encourage students to stay at home for their own safety.

“This is a clear threat to public higher education,” one of the professors, African-American studies professor Michael Cohen, said. “People are coming to humiliate others and incite violence. … The boycott is a refusal to allow this to happen on our campus.”

The professors of education contend that speech they don't like which they consider inflammatory and hateful is not protected by the First Amendment.

Leftist will stop at nothing to destroy the First Amendment when it applies to others !

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This is when you begin chanting "violence is love", demand a cuddle session, throw them to the ground in a bear hug, and began running around on all fours screaming "I self identify as an oppressed lgbtqrstuvxyz!" Then you begin stripping naked and walking toward them like a zombie mumbling, "I'm in my safe space.... I'm in my safe space...I'm in my safe space..."

2 points

When I got my first degree in the 1980s at a small liberal arts college, my professors, the school administrators, and the students all believed in testing ideas by hearing them, analyzing them, and discussing them.

Our professors did not merely tolerate controversial ideas on campus and in their classrooms; they loved them and encouraged us to confront and wrestle with them!

There was NO idea that was unwelcome. Ideas are well supported or poorly supported, but all were treated as worth hearing and discussing to determine which.

Strong and supportable ideas that were founded on evidence and valid arguments were no more important than half-baked and unsupported crap because they were all opportunities for us to examine the evidence and logic, and to practice our critical thinking skills.

Moreover, we were taught to evaluate ideas without respect to our feelings about them.

We learned to be civil when arguing with people with whom we disagree.

We learned that ideas are not scary, but exciting.

We learned that conflict is not traumatic, but invigorating.


When did rational discussion between people who disagree become too hardcore and dangerous for college campuses?

Are we really headed for a time when debate becomes an event in the X games?

1 point

These professors might have to face a class where the students don't nod in unison to every word lectured at them. The horror!

Protesting the ever so threatening "Free Speech"has the Berkeley Communist all up in arms.

Where is the compassion of the Leftist Communist ?

1 point

The professors of education contend that speech they don't like which they consider inflammatory and hateful is not protected by the First Amendment.

Well obviously they aren't saying "what we feel" is hate speech. Hate speech is illegal in the US if it promote imminent violence.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

they aren't saying "what we feel" is hate speech

They are though. They protest speeches from anyone further right than Bernie Sanders and they Riot at any speech that's right of center. They expand hate speech to encompass whatever doesn't fit their absurd worldview and offer counseling for people whenever opposing perspectives are presented without mob hindrance (or with it).

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Free Speech is not Hate Speech now if you can show me where what you believe is stated in the 1ST Amendment then the floor is open for whatever irrational response you might have.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Free speech is not hate speech. Correct. Speech that is incites violence is not free speech it is hate speech. Do you need a legal reference or do you accept that point?