
Debate Info

Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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 Hall Of Shame (13)

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Srom(12120) pic

Hall Of Shame

This debate is a place for people to post the most absurd, erronious, illogical thing you see people saying on this site about Christianity.


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1 point

The Bible is full of myths and contradictions


Dremorius(847) Disputed Banned
3 points

I think it is absurd that you believe that a man can fit 3,000,000 Animals on a small boat, and have them survive for 40 days, even though some animals can only eat from other animals (as they are carnivores.)

Also, these animals were from around the world, (such as penguins from Antarctica and Lions from Africa.)

You, child, are a dunce.

1 point

you know for a fact that I don't believe in the bible, yet you quote the Bible, to what, convince me?

Dremorius(847) Disputed Banned
2 points

"Happy those who seize your children and smash them against a rock." (Psalm 137:9)

"Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." (1 Peter 2:18)

"Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22)

Here's quoting the bible for you. Is this what you want? An oppressive world called upon by your God? You are a monster.

For fuck sake srom, this is your hall of shame, you ban those that oppose you, this is a debate site. Dremorious here was simply replying to your post.

The bible is a mix a books from different people in different life times. .

ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
2 points

Er... it is .

1 point

I know, but he said this is the place where you put arguments against Christianity.

1 point

The United States of America.

"You cant be born gay you stupid ignorant fool. read your bible"