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 Here are today's priorities when electing politicians. Life & death loses to accusations. (2)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Here are today's priorities when electing politicians. Life & death loses to accusations.

So now according to people on the Left, a person is guilty until proven innocent! Moore is accused of something from the past, and just now as he is running for office it comes out. Gee, does that smell funny?

One thing Conservatives know for a FACT, is that the Democrat Party supports NO RESTRICTION ABORTIONS.

That is not accusations, that is fact!

So on a scale of priorities, which is worse? Accusations of sexual misconduct years ago and only now being used as a political tool, or, the facts that the Democrat Party keeps No Restriction abortions, for healthy viable unborn babies, legal up to birth.

Yes, Republicans hold their nose and side with life and death issues verses accusations of sexual misconduct from decades ago.

Republicans understand priorities in life.

Lets see, which is worse..... an accusations of sexual misconduct years ago, or supporting the testing for and killing of even viable Special needs babies for merely being diverse and different.

Hmmmmmmm, that's a hard one...... for Democrats that is!

The next time they parade Special Olympic children around a track field, I want you to rememer you would rather support killing them for being different and diverse, verses voting for someone accused of past sexual misconduct.
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1 point

So for all you people who claim to be against No Restriction late term abortions, why is it your votes never reflect your so called phoney concern for those healthy viable lives?

You are so quick to ignore this inhumanity when voting against Repubicans.



1 point

One thing Conservatives know for a FACT, is that the Democrat Party supports NO RESTRICTION ABORTIONS.

Well then Conservatives don't know their facts.

Those who didn't vote for Moore are capable of caring for people even after they are born and don't want to see a man who preys on underage girls get more power. If he were a Democrat you would be ALL over that, as anyone with with reasonable intelligence should be, so why are you SO willing to brush it aside? Is it because he's Republican and you don't care what he does or is accused of so long as it's your party?

EldonG(530) Clarified
0 points

To be sure, I don't believe in guilty until proven innocent, but I'm also not an idiot, and don't think it's a good idea to put a man in the senate when the local mall says he's not even fit for them.

Now - Doug Jones prosecuted KKK members that firebombed a church, killing four little girls. That's someone worth backing...and I'm not even a democrat. Priorities in life? Yeah, I'd say.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Agreed. I'm not Democrat, I'm certainly not Republican, both parties have the pluses and minuses but between the two people running, the choice should have been more clear than it was. Voting for someone ONLY because they are a part of your party is shameful and lazy.