
Debate Info

Brainwashing No brainwashing
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 Brainwashing (13)
 No brainwashing (9)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Hillary Clinton using brainwashing techniques

The Nazis used formualted brainwashing and propaganda methods to fuel the zombie support of the German people by using media repeat slogans and even teaching German children propaganda per the Nazi Youth Program. Is the Democrat Party engaging in the same practice?


Side Score: 13

No brainwashing

Side Score: 9

The Nazis used formualted brainwashing and propaganda methods to fuel the zombie support of the German people by using media repeat slogans and even teaching German children propaganda per the Nazi Youth Program. Is the Democrat Party engaging in the same practice?

Side: Brainwashing

Media brainwashing

Side: Brainwashing
Side: Brainwashing
1 point

All Democrats are brain dead ! They believe all the spoon fed BS given to them by government.

Side: Brainwashing
1 point

Maybe she is a picture of the woman riding the beast in revelations.

Side: Brainwashing
1 point

I believe Hillary was the "identified symbol" of the "Woman Riding the Beast"

Under her skirt deceptive media, conspiracies, antichrist spirit of evil against Christ, Iran, globalization, corruption, race baiting, SOWING Divisions! Woe!

Her skirt was lifted and we who can see, did see!

Side: Brainwashing
1 point

Using propaganda to claim Democrats are using propaganda is a bold strategy. Let's see if it works for you

Side: No brainwashing
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Democrats use propaganda to fool their masses ! Shall we take a trip down history lane ?

Side: Brainwashing
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Yes, let's go. I think the only trips you do are on acid.

Side: No brainwashing

The amazing thing is that the Germans were far from being Zombies.

They were/are an intelligent nation who were humiliated by the terms and restrictions imposed on them after WW1.

Adolf and his Nazi party restored their dignity and turned a defeated people into the strongest nation on earth.

It took the combined efforts of the U.S.A, Russia, the U.K. and it's colonies, including India, Canada, Australia New Zealand to subdue the German war machine.

Some Zombies.

I don't think the gas-woman has the ''brains to ''brainwash'' anyone except maybe herself.

Besides, the Yanks aren't that dumb to let themselves be indoctrinated by a Chicago Moll.

Side: No brainwashing