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Debate Score:63
Total Votes:74
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 Agree (24)
 Disagree (22)

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SeekSeven(30) pic

Hitler was one of the best policians... ever.

Let it be known, that this debate is not one condoning Hitlers shocking part in events following his appointment as chancellor, and claiming of Fuhrer position in Germany. This is purely to debate his political ability in rising to such a prestigious position (at the time).

Personally, I agree with the statement, and find it amazing that Adolf Hitler became the Fuhrer, having been a poor student on the streets of Vienna not so long before.

The way he manipulated other politicans, tactfully exploited economic crisis (following the Wall Street Crash), indoctrinated the public and became a god-like figure head of a nation - I believe it to be quite amazing and fascinating.

Whats more, while the methods are not truly acceptable, he brought nationwide unemployment to a minimum, from a situation where a large majority (around 70%, as commonly claimed) of persons 18-35 were out of work. He made Germany a very powerful nation, in an incredibly short amount of time.

He was a leader that his people seemed to adore - that can't be said for many leaders, politicians (etc) now.



Side Score: 33


Side Score: 30
3 points

He was a monster, but yes, he was also a great politician. (Politician defined as: a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office; a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.)

He had a certain view of his own for his country and his people, and he didn't shy away from it. He stood up for his views and was determined to implement it. He convinced his men that he was right and led his people to take drastic measures to make his vision true. Not many people have the ability to coax such a large number of people into doing things that were so insane and inhumane. But I think that this is one of the most important skills a politician must have to win over his/her people and stay their leader and to represent them. If only Hitler wasn't a barbaric maniac, and if he used his skills (especially his orating skills) for a better cause, such as equality, then he wouldn't have only been one of the most powerful or influential politicians, but also one of the most loved politicians.

Side: Agree
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

I agree with your observations of his political aptitude, but I disagree with your assumptions about the good he could have done. Unfortunately, I think it is a far easier thing to feed upon and manipulate fear of the other than compassion for the same. Furthermore, the political tools that Hitler proved adept at utilizing (i.e. violent, oppressive methods) would not have lent themselves to a quest for equality.

Side: Agree
dem6(80) Clarified
1 point

Yes, you're right. But I was referring to how he could convince so many people into doing something. I was referring more to eloquence, vigor, passion and most importantly his oratory skills. If his aim/vision was different, I am sure all his skills could have been put to good use.

Side: Agree
-1 points

I appreciate this wonderful compliment.

Unfortunately, you are a Jew.

Side: Agree
dem6(80) Clarified
1 point

Actually, I'm not. I'm Russian!

Unfortunately, I'm not as smart or as determined to be a Jew.

Side: Agree
2 points

Hitler was an incredibly efficient leader, and while his actions are not to be condoned, he brought Germany out of depression and hardship.

Side: Agree
Arya30(74) Disputed
1 point

Brought Germany out of depression and hardship and put Jew into depression and hardship.

Side: Disagree
-1 points

Thank you so much, now tell me what race are you?

Side: Agree
SeekSeven(30) Clarified
1 point

I am British (Welsh, specifically) - part of the side you, Mr Hitler, failed to crush.

Down with the Reich!

Side: Agree

Not every homeless man can take over a country...

Side: Agree
1 point

Terrible terrible person. Good politician. However he is a absolute terrible person.

Side: Agree
3 points

A good politician doesn't murder 20 million people. A good politician doesn't ruin a country's economy. A good politician doesn't destroy a country. No matter how you look at it, Hitler sucked in every way possible and is rotting in Hell.

Side: Disagree

He manipulated everyone around him, and made it illegal to disagree with him - or at least it was illegal to Express Your disagreement without losing your head.

With that law he proved that he couldn't support his actions with rational argumente, and that made him a terrible politican.

Side: Disagree
4 points

He manipulated everyone around him

It takes a genius to get millions of people to follow a psychopath.

Side: Agree
3 points

Follow? Are you aware of how many tried to take him down, but were killed by the SS troops?

It doesn't take a genius, you just need to make the people to scared to protest

Side: Disagree
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Most successful politicians do not rely upon rational arguments, particularly when dealing with a largely irrational populace. While Hitler arguably ruled by threat and exercise of force, this itself demands a certain political adeptness that most others do not exhibit.

Side: Agree
1 point

The question we are discussing is not whether Hitler was a successful politican or not, but if he was one of the best one's.

A politican who doesnt rely on rational arguments is not a good politican, succes is an entirely different thing

Side: Disagree
Hitler(2364) Disputed
0 points

I have a nice camp for you to visit, feel free to take a shower.

Side: Agree
2 points

He was the worst politician ever. A good politician doesn't lead his country to war and devastation. He was a good actor, but a populist politician and a psychopath individual.

Side: Disagree
Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

By your rationale if Hitler had won the war then he would be one of the best politicians ever, and Churchill and Roosevelt would be the worst.

Side: Agree
diaphilm(17) Disputed
1 point

I didn't say anything about winning or losing the war, read again what I wrote.

Side: Disagree

He manipulated everyone around him, and made it illegal to disagree with him - or at least it was illegal to Express Your disagreement without losing your head.

With that law he proved that he couldn't support his actions with rational argumente, and that made him a terrible politican.

Side: Disagree
2 points

He was the worst politic an that i ever seen before. H e played with many people of life . How could he be good politic an it is disappointing to hear that. On my opinion Hitler is just monster or some kind of crazy person.

Side: Disagree
1 point

the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler .... another antichrist indeed ... .... 60 - 100 million dead over 30 years of war ... a drop in the bucket for the final antichrist to come

Side: Disagree