
Debate Info

Humility Pride
Debate Score:91
Total Votes:100
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 Humility (45)
 Pride (23)

Debate Creator

Saintnow(3684) pic

Honest VS Dishonest

On one side, we have people who know they deserve to die and are thankful for the time they have.   On the other side, we have people who act like they are stronger than death.  Which side are you on?


Side Score: 55


Side Score: 36
2 points

This is where I stand, knowing I'm under God's mercy and thankful for it.

Side: Humility
Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
4 points

It is funny. Most chistians feel they have a persobal relationship with Our Lord and savour. They often feel humbled and overwhelmed with love and compassion. You on the other hand come across as someone who takes pleasure from the idea of stupid people suffering. Infact you have even said as much. Do you ever wonder if you truly have a relationship with Jesus that you should? It seems to me you dont know Him outside of what you have read in a book. You do not feel Him. It must be terrible to be so dedicated but yet fall so short.

Side: Pride
Foxglove(205) Banned
1 point

Very true. In fact his comment is better suited to the opposite side :P

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

This is where I stand, knowing I'm under God's mercy and thankful for it.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Humility is winning, as recognizing the giver of all good things results in being thankful and it always wins over pride which is selfish.

Side: Humility
Amarel(5669) Disputed Banned
1 point

Pretty dishonest to ban a person from your debate before slinging insults. You fancy yourself a judge for God. You fancy your debates to be a holy court. You're completely prideful and delusional. After banning me you called me a pervert. Wonder why that is the insult that came to your mind...

You have bought the Devils lie hook line and sinker. It's the reason you are such an unpleasant bit of nastiness when interacting with folks. When I criticize you, I criticize no messenger of Gods. Quite the opposite.

Feel free to ban me again Pretender.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I don't even have to read your stuff to know you are being dishonest. Tanks

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

So you are proud of being smart, possessed or rocket-science type genius to state bold cliché's about how you spend your time, calling it living while you are in reality dying. Genius, a bona fide genius you are. All bow down to Carnalman.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The ability to achieve anything is given by God. Pride says "look what I did". Humility says "thank God for allowing me to do this". The "pride" you are talking about is an offense to God, and you are trying to sugar-coat it to make it sweet.

You are saying it's good to be arrogant, no matter how you deny it.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

This is where I stand, knowing I'm under God's mercy and thankful for it.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Are you an idiot?. You have been nothing but a pest and you expect to find me warm and fuzzy toward you? The best I can do for you is to tell you the truth, that you need to be saved from Hell and there is one Savior, God Incarnate, Jesus Christ.

When you can show a little maturity and act like you can communicate respectfully instead of spitting your foaming at the mouth irrationalities, you will find I'm as nice of a guy as you could ask for.....but to people who will only be antagonistic, they miss out.

You can't approach God being antagonistic, and I don't see any good reason why I should tolerate you always trying to annoy me.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Did I call you a pervert? Oh, that was a copy and pasted post I had originally written to a guy who boasts about his perversions. You sure pervert the truth, anyways, and it would not surprise me at all if you are some kind of pervert abusing your body for selfish pleasures, and the bodies of any other piece of meat you can get your hands on. Am I correct, or are you faithfully married (the natural way, of course, a man and woman) and do not lust after people you are not married to, or abstinent and faithful to God while not married?

My guess is that you are a pervert though I admit you have not made any clear statements indicating your sexual perversion. Correct me if I'm wrong. Saying "you don't know me" won't convince me.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Well, you took the "proud" side, not caring that pride goes before a fall, pronounced your greatness, then fell out of the discussion with my banning boot on our behind, kicking you out on your tail....and my guess is that you are still proud.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Sure, but why do you believe you have the right to exist outside of Hell?

Side: Humility
AlofRI(3294) Banned
2 points

Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

I'm alive because "only the good die young." (chuckle)

We all have to die whether we're honest OR dishonest, that's life.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

People are alive, dying outside of Hell, because God permits them to be in the countdown of time. You are being executed because of your sin as God's judgement against you. Guess where you are going if you die in your sins as you are now against God?

Side: Pride
Cuaroc(8829) Banned
1 point

If you have the right to exist outside of Hell, why are you not burning in it now?

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Humility is winning, as recognizing the giver of all good things results in being thankful and it always wins over pride which is selfish.

Side: Pride
Jace(5211) Banned
1 point

Except that in your faith you escape death through life eternal granted by your God. So... who's really being dishonest about their mortality?

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You believe in meaninglessness, so you have nothing to say in my discussions. Please keep your denials of everything to yourself. Thank you, and I hope you have fun trying to prove you have the right to exist outside of Hell.

You're being dishonest, and I'm not interested in reading your mental gymnastics as you so deftly avoid the truth while you are not in Hell. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, and I hope my boot didn't leave an imprint on your behind.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You, smarty pants fool, are banned but I will say this. I do not escape death, I am passed from death unto life. My body will go through death as sin is in it and the consequences remain. I have eternal life, and will have a new body, and this old corrupt body will be resurrected in renewal by the One who has given me eternal life. I will be like Jesus in His resurrection with a body free from sin. He took my sin on Himself and it's gone from me. There's a new me, Christ in me, who will be like Jesus with Him in Heaven forever.

You are missing out and I would appreciate it if you not come try to spread your miserable nihilism in my discussions.

Side: Pride
1 point

Pride leads to bad decision making.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Well, I guess this is basically right though it is possible for a proud person to make the right decision to do the right thing at times.......the problem is the base, pride, which elevates itself against God and will result in a fall. It's a bad position in which a person may make some good decisions.

Thanks for your constructive comments, pardon me for expanding on them too much.

Side: Pride
Mariel33(456) Banned
-2 points
Mariel33(456) Banned
1 point

I'm humble enough to know that nothing on CreateDebate is either meant to be asked or said; I'm humble enough that I would tell any person in Tehran that they are all of CreateDebate (which includes all of the opposition to this post).

Side: Humility
4 points

I am on the side of the people who are smart enough to know that life should be spent living.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

So you are proud of being smart, possessed or rocket-science type genius to state bold cliché's about how you spend your time, calling it living while you are in reality dying. Genius, a bona fide genius you are. All bow down to Carnalman.

Side: Humility
TrumpsHair(310) Clarified Banned
1 point

"All bown down to Carnalman"

Who could have expected you of all people to come up with the next great super hero.

I'd certainly watch "The Adventures of Carnal-Man".

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Well, you took the "proud" side, not caring that pride goes before a fall, pronounced your greatness, then fell out of the discussion with my banning boot on our behind, kicking you out on your tail....and my guess is that you are still proud.

Side: Humility
2 points

Everyone should take pride in themselves and their achievements, no matter how modest. Those who have pride in one's family, pride in one's country, pride in one's religious views or lack of them, pride in one's appearance, pride in one's home are positive thinkers. Pride is a feeling of satisfaction at one's achievements or possessions that do one credit. Pride is sometimes perceived to be an excessively high opinion of oneself but this is wrong. That is puffed up conceit. Regularly those who feel humble have plenty to feel humble about.

Side: Pride
blizzardbird(904) Disputed Banned
2 points

You are all inferior, since you can't prove anything relevant.

I place highest for top winner.

Side: Humility
Mariel33(456) Clarified Banned
1 point

Would you mind just elaborating a bit on what you just said? What do you consider as relevant?

In my own mind, I consider the distribution of reality as life's meaning.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The ability to achieve anything is given by God. Pride says "look what I did". Humility says "thank God for allowing me to do this". The "pride" you are talking about is an offense to God, and you are trying to sugar-coat it to make it sweet.

You are saying it's good to be arrogant, no matter how you deny it.

Side: Humility
Winklepicker(1021) Disputed Banned
1 point

If you claim that all the good things and achievements which happen in someone's life, or to the population of the earth for that matter, is a consequence of divine intervention, then you must accept that everything bad which occurs to individuals or the millions who suffer misfortune is also of God's doing. God causes cancer in children just in the same way he assists athletes and sports people to become world champions. So, if we follow your, ''feigned'',madness to it's logical conclusion, all sports events are fixed by God. Does the big shy, invisible and silent man in the sky like a flutter on the side? Does he spend his time in the Book Makers making bets on competitions which, thanks to his fraudulent meddling, have a predetermined outcome. When he's not fixing the results of sporting competitions he's arranging the deaths of 1000s of African babies every day whilst ensuring that Jo Blogs wins the Lotto or Mr. Greedy Pig the Managing Director secures a multi-billion $ contract. The truth is that you are a chancer, a phony, a charlatan. A no good low down dirt bag pretending to be a man of the Christian faith when all the while you're no more than a cheap and obvious devils' advocate and/or one of his mischievous little imps. Stop your juvenile charade, grow up, wise up and shut up.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You are being dishonest, and worst, teaching others to be dishonest. It is dishonest for you to take credit for anything you can do as the ability to do anything is a gift from God. Being thankful to God for giving you what you do not deserve is the opposite of pride, which is deceitful in it's self assurance and bound to be exposed as fraudulent when you fall....and you will fall, pride always goes before a fall. Pride is self-centeredness and negative even though it makes you feel powerful. Thankfulness is giving to others, first to God and then the joy of knowing His gift flows out to others. Pride stinks. Thankfulness is warm hearted and generous.

Side: Humility
Cuaroc(8829) Banned
2 points

Where do you get this garbage, and why do you believe it? Oh yeah, you can't believe Jesus because according to His word you are on your way to Hell and you can't handle the truth.

Side: Pride
Delta(1348) Banned
1 point

Only because Srom won't choose death and probably give a preach why not to die.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

This is where I stand, knowing I'm under God's mercy and thankful for it.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Sure, but why do you believe you have the right to exist outside of Hell?

Side: Humility
1 point

Pride wins over humility and I don't just say this because it's common sense (because it is) but also which one would help you for the better in the OMG run. Humility and mistakes are totally different. Being humiliated doesn't mean you make a mistake, it just means you might've done something an unusual way that you've been humiliated to admit. Whereas when you make mistakes you learn from them but you can't just block out humility as if it'll never happen again. On the other hand pride=confidence. And having confidence in what you say can help you clearly state your opinions and do what you love rather than (for example) remembering that time you got humiliated so you think why should I even do this, won't I just get humiliated again. PRIDE IS STRONGER AND HEALTHIER.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Good comments for discussion, thank you. It would be nice if everybody could discuss things with good manners like you have shown. (although your implication of "common sense" validating your opinion without understanding the opposing view is an insult I will assume you really did not intend it to be...did you?....and "the OMG run." thing is not appropriate language.). You're going to need some humility here if you are going to remain in the discussion.

Side: Humility
1 point

I object to the framing of the debate itself. Somehow "humility" seems equated with religion and "pride" with not being religious. That's bogus. Countless religious folk are proud beyond belief, lack any true humility or compassion for anyone different from themselves, and absurdly judgmental of others who may just want to be left alone and don't share their beliefs.

By phrasing the debate the way you did you in fact prove what I said.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

The discussion is about Humilty VS Pride. We can all point at each others faults while we are proud of not being as faulty as the people we point at in their faults.

That is not being honest, it's being critical of others while ignoring our own faults and weaknesses. You object to the discussion because you are being proud and trying to convince everybody that your pride is not as bad as mine or not as bad as the pride of others.

You are being absurdly judgmental in calling me absurdly judgmental, but somehow that's ok for you? Why? It's your pride blinding you to your own faults and you love it, you love your pride, and it stinks.

The only thing you are proving is that you are proud and don't want to admit it....or do yo want to admit it? Are you proud of yourself? I am not proud of myself, I know my faults and weaknesses better than anybody other than God, and I know I deserve to die now for my wrongs, my faults, my weaknesses, and I know I deserve to burn in Hell. If you are annoyed with me, that's your problem, not mine. How you deal with it is your own problem, and you don't seem to be dealing with it very well. You sound bitter, angry, unthankful, and plain stinking proud of yourself.

Side: Humility
Grenache(6053) Disputed Banned
1 point

Nope. By giving only the two linked choices of Honesty = Humility and Pride = Dishonest you framed this debate as dishonestly as someone asking the loaded question "yes or no, have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

If you don't want to come across as biased stop defining your opposition's choices of words and voting as something that automatically by definition must be bad. That's actually the coward's way of debating.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I should have banned you after your first post. I don't know why I thought you might be reasonable to have a discussion.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Do you realize how much of a jerk you are being here? Humility is honestly admitting our faults in realization that we are not good enough to live and deserve to die. Pride is when a jerk like you comes in here insulting generally far beyond the intended focus of the discussion, and the jerk acts like he thinks he's better than me because he does not like religion. Well jerk face, I don't like religion either. This discussion is about reality, being honest and humbled by the truth of our faults, weaknesses, and frailty or being proud, deceiving ourselves acting like the things we have or are come by our own power and by our own power we hold them. Your an idiot incapable of adult discussing when the truth is involved, I guess. I should have gave you the boot along with a lecture like this after your first rabid post.

Side: Humility

Almost everyone on here is banned. Its hilarious. I officially ship Sanitnow with FromWithin.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You are not banned. You are a rare person here who is able to show a little bit of respect as you disagree. I really don't ask for much.....most of the people here for some reason are unable to speak without profanity, unable to express themselves without vulgarity, full of cursing so they can't keep themselves from their abusive speech. Their heart is full of cursing, and it spews out like boiling acid and it stinks and I don't like to read it so I ban them.

You are rare, and it is commendable for you that you are able to express yourself without cursing. That skill will speak well of you in the world, and will be to your benefit as long as you are in this world. I hope you don't follow the example of this bitter people, half of whom are drug addicts, many of whom are sex addicts of all sorts.

I do not agree with From Within on some points I think are very important and have had some very heated discussions with him....but he, like you, is able to communicate without cursing.

Why do you think people cannot keep themselves from cursing? I have heard many of them say they can't help it, and that is a lie. They are too proud to admit that they could refrain from cursing if they want to, they are being dishonest.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

I'm getting ready to ban ganache if they don't stop sitting there doing nothing but complaining and criticizing me.

Side: Humility
Grenache(6053) Disputed Banned
1 point

Is this not a debate website? There is no profanity in what I wrote. No threats. It was fairly brief. It was not a special separate debate started on my own specifically against you but a reply to your own debate. So why do you feel threatened? Is it simply that Saintnow has to always get your own way? If you don't want to debate don't come to a debate website.

Also you can read and spell. It's Grenache not ganache. Smearing my avatar name into a kind of frosting is just one more childish antic by you.

Side: Humility
1 point

Humility is self depreciating.

Side: Pride
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Humility is honesty, admitting our faults and weaknesses. In humility, we admit we have needs and are thankful for what we have. Being thankful is being positive in all things if they are difficult times or good times, and it results in kindness toward others knowing we do not deserve kindness because of our own faults and weaknesses.

Pride is the exact opposite on all points. It says "I am greater than my faults and weaknesses". It says "I deserve everything I have and can get because I'm important and have power". It's self centered even in giving, as it boasts of it's own goodness and ability to give. Pride is dishonest and it stinks. If you want to smell like a rose, you have to be humble like a rose.

Side: Humility
Saintnow(3684) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for your constructive comments, please pardon me for expanding on them too much.

Side: Humility