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 How Important is the Coming Election Going to be for America? (6)

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shaneAC(52) pic

How Important is the Coming Election Going to be for America?

We have extreme opposites on either side of the board, whether you r voting for a socialist, a business man, or a woman this election is going to change how the world views america. Do you believe it is ranked in at least the top 10 most important elections? 
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1 point

Dont forget that we have a republican senate and H.O.R. This could change how much a democratic president could really get done and vastly increase how much a republican one can be done.

Point of clarification: Sanders isn't a socialist.

As for the topic, it's hard to necessarily determine if it is going to be as important as previous ones, particularly considering how the significance will differ depending on who wins.

I do think that depending on who wins, it is definitely possible that it could be one of the most significant elections in American history, but that is based on so many hypotheticals that it makes me uncomfortable.

1 point

Depends on who wins.

If Trump wins, it could be the next stage in the fall of America.

If Sanders wins, it could be the first stage in a new America.

If Clinton wins, it'll be the same old anti-citizen, pro-corporation America we all know and hate.

1 point

Well, let's see.

If Cruz should win, he wants to shut down the EPA and allow corporations to dump toxic waste in the most "efficient manner". RE-polluting the waters we have cleaned up over the years, along with the air and the land and the people. He wants to shut down the Dept. of Education and bring us into a more theological existence (such as Iran / Iraq). Stop "Government regulations" that restrict the freedom of businesses to make profits regardless of the consequences to the people. O.S.H.A, for example, that protects workers from unsafe working conditions ... we don't need them ... the corporations will protect us :<). He will make us all evangelists, whether we like it or not!

Trump will be Trump ... a different way to spell "disaster", not only to "U.S.", but the rest of the world. These two say they will bring "U.S". together, and they can't even bring their own party together!

Bernie means well, but wants too much to fast. We need to get everyone (who can), working, paying their mortgage, getting a few toys ... the middle class that conservatism has destroyed, Pay down the debt Clinton did! THEN we can talk about getting more of the "stuff" our tax money pays for!

I'm for ignoring the lies about the lies Hillary hasn't been telling, and getting back to the 90's when things were "rosier". That time between the Bushes most of us enjoyed. That would lead us back to pre-Reagan, when the American dream was a reality!

1 point

How important is it going to be? Just look at how important it is now.

Americans are fed up with the state of the nation and are willing to voice their opinion more now than ever. There is a general consensus in our nation that we are not heard in Washington. This has lead to the record turn out for primary elections. We want to be heard.

This election is going to be the election of the outsider. We have Trump, Cruz and Sanders all presenting themselves (generally correctly) as political outsiders. It is not the year to be a Clinton or a Kasich, both people who have been in the game for a long while doing and working with the same people.

But lets start with the outsiders:

If Trump is elected, it will signal a huge change in America's foreign affairs. Beyond anything, this is what he has focused on most. He will be aggressive on many fronts, demanding America gets a fair share. This may be prevalent when it comes to NATO or other nations where we offer military aid. He will demand military aid from our allies that we have not received in years past. America would be a demanding power in the world. He may bring tension with some countries, such as Mexico (for obvious reasons) and nations such as Iran where he feels (rightly so) that they are hostility taking over the Middle East.

Now lets move on to Cruz. I personally believe that a Cruz presidency would be marked by a time of conservative expansion. What do I mean? I believe he will leave a lasting conservative influence on the nation as a whole. I believe he will rely heavily on the powers of the Constitution and try very hard to leave the Supreme Court with a conservative super majority. I would also foresee conflict between the right and left, especially with his different budget plans and his tax plans. I honestly don't think that Democrats will be happy with the removal of Obamacare and a flat tax rate.

Now I don't believe Sanders has any true shot at becoming President (partly because the Democratic party has their cards stacked against him and that the word "socialist" is sacrilegious to the majority of Americans) but lets give him a go. Sanders would not be able to pass anything through Congress. He would have too much opposition from Republicans and many Democrats. Even if his tax plan was put in place it would flop. As for foreign policy, you would see a massive reduction in American presence through out the world. You would most likely see a reduction in the amount of force used against ISIS as well as a large reduction in the size of our military overall. China, Japan, and other Asian and some South American economies will see a boom due to American jobs fleeing.

Now lets move to the insiders. We would not see much change if Hillary Clinton is elected President. Our ISIS strategy would remain the same unless there was a major 9/11 style attack (and even then I don't think it will change). There would continue to be red line crossing throughout the world. Domestically, I could foresee the national debt continuing to climb alongside our debt ceiling. I don't think there will be any groundbreaking changes such as gay marriage legalization or any meaningful healthcare initiatives. She may try to push for a $15 dollar minimum wage or free college to appease the further left elements of her party to help her in reelection but otherwise, same old path we are taking.

Lastly, there is the Republican insider. Now I'm not even going to count John Kasich. Why? It doesn't matter who it is because the end result would be the same. Cruz and Trump supporters would band together and revolt. It would be the end of the party and the Democrats will win unless we have a moment of Truman's dreams. It is impossible to predict but I'm sure there will be violence in the mix.

No matter what happens, this election is going to leave a mark on our county's history. I guess it is too early to tell if that mark is a scar.

1 point

may I ask humbly America better or worse anything better ...the average American drives a 10 year old vehicle the average income is dropping the number of hours required to make this income is is anger hate sloth rape assault murder this thing is coming unglued used to be one man worked 40 hrs and made enough to pay all his bills buy houses cars and have hobbies ...who do you know spending a lot of hobby time ...most people now work way more hrs with 2 incomes and cant do any of that...the bell curve is flattening to any math people out there you know this aint good ...what this means is the bottom is falling out of income and dragging the guts out with it... you see middle class raises are less and less minimum wage is more and if you have a factory job and heaven forbid you make 10 per hour and the minimum wage is 8 dollars and change you are slightly above a 16 year old fry cook but if minimum wage is increased to 11 you are now both on the bottom slid down the economic ladder to the bottom and so did everyone above you they all lost ground.....this of coarse is no concern to the rich....lets say you make a million dollars a year this is to some an amazing load ...but your not even wealthy let alone rich...if you did not spend a dime or pay any tax it would take you 1000 years to make your first billion....and most rich have multiple billions....get it now they don't give a fuck about you the price of oil the price of gas they will lower the top middle class ...those making less than a million a year and raise the bottom to illuminate the middle class to reinstate the lords and surfs futile system and how do they do this well they lie to you tell you you have a choice ...the POPULAR ELECTION DOES NOT GET YOU IN OFFICE ....the electoral collage does the popular vote goes in the trash people ....the superdeligates and deligates make the vote that is counted and they work for lobbyists ...the billionaire pricks and there millionaire puppets...remember barrack and McCain ...before the election they cosponsored senate..then they had the wwf match for pres. this is a casino using loaded dice and tilted tables people......its all bullshit they pick the candidate they elect the candidate and you shut up and get in line for slops from the government soup line ....wake up this is soap opera for surfs.....soon we will all be doing some hail to ceasar shit...well not I... I will not and this is well known...does anyone know what barrack means was the horse that the muslim prophet mohamid rides in on I did not spell it right and on that one I truelly wont devote the brain power I have to be selective what goes in....not much space in my head for new items...believe me the trillions in American slave profits aren't up in the air to be decided by you the common man wollering in your own stool...these are there words not mine im as common as a cold folks ...they have more documents floating around about killing you than I can even keep track of ....they built a guide stone telling you they are going to kill 7 billion of you they sterilize you fluorinate you abort you and fuck with your food and water so cancer is up 10,000 % since 1960 is heart disease and diabetes look around you are standing in a gallow and have a rope around your neck...and you still say your guy or girl in office has your that banks are charging negative interest your money is worthless on monday as it was on Friday when you got paid ...wake up people we are being hung....