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evelebideau(6) pic

How is our view of sexual orientation generated?

To what extent is our understanding of sexual orientation generated , formed and shaped by faith culture and emotions ?

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3 points

Good question. I think our view of sexual orientation is developed as we are brought up by our parents and society. From birth there are choices made for us on how we should be viewed, how we should dress, colors that are appropriate, etc. This is what shapes our view. But, I want to be sure that is not mistaken with what I believe our orientation is. I believe we are born with our sexual orientation.

1 point

Yes, I agree. I think that our religion also plays up a big role in the shaping of our views. In some cases I think it can even generate homophobia by promoting an ideal image of what our sexual orientation should be.

I believe that we all have an instinct to reproduce. I believe homosexual people may be lacking this instinct.

people may not like that ''theory'', but I support gay marriage, and I don't think homosexuality is wrong.

1 point

If someone simply 'lacked' an instinct to reproduce, that wouldn't result in them gaining an instinct to have sex with those they can't reproduce with. What you are describing is more along the liens of asexuality, or a situation in which a person has a low sex drive. Being sexually attracted to someone you can't reproduce with isn't really the same thing as not having an 'instinct' to reproduce.

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

That is true, however I didn't say the lack of instinct to reproduce always results in homosexuality. I said homosexuals probably lack the instinct to reproduce, asexuals probably do as well.

Harvard(666) Clarified
1 point

Almost all individuals have an evolved physical instinct to reproduce (as the reason for sexual pleasure); however, because of our level of biological/anatomical awareness we can choose to manipulate the results of our instinctual actions (e.g., contraception).

Though, one requires clarification as to which type of 'instinct' you are referencing.

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I am referring to our biological instinct to survive as a species.

1 point

I don't think that parental influence on the subject is necessarily an important feature in the formation of how we view sexual orientation. I cannot remember my parents ever offering any guidelines on the subject, but I suppose by observing my heterosexual kinfolk and my friend's parents living in a normal male/female relationship as nature intended, I probably accepted that this was the norm, which I still do. Upon reaching sexual maturity I was attracted by those of the opposite sex and regardless of what anyone may have tried to convince me to the contrary I know that I would have remained heterosexual. Those of a deviant sexual orientation have no input into their abnormal condition which is nothing more than a biological accident of birth and which occurs in many species.

1 point

It's by our own reasoning.

Our own reasoning, however, is very often including others who have known us in the past. :)

What I believe:

Sexual orientation should not be limited. Due to sexual orientation being predestined (If that's the correct word. I am terrible at wording) I believe it is unfair for ANY religion to believe it is wrong to be homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc. I believe it should be accepted as a natural part of society and should not be looked down upon as sick or ugly.

You just said it all in your statement...." In politics there is no such thing as right. Same with religion and beliefs. It is just a state of mind and the way one thinks."

That kind of self love thinkng will be the end of America as we know it. Under your logic, there is no right or wrong, it's just a state of mind so therefore anything goes as long as you are not hurting anyone, correct?

So tell me does it hurt tax payers and our nation when people constantly have one night hook ups, getting pregnant numerous times, living on welfare, the guy walks away from his child,? Is that ok in your "no right or wrong" philosophy on life? These people living irresponsibly will make the same ludicrous excuses as you. They will say we were born liking sex and will do so no matter what. In that self love world does the child get hurt? Does our nation get hurt with the cost of welfare?

You are the next genertion with even a lower bar of morality. You even say it is ok for men to have sex with children if they consent! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK KIDS ARE KNOWLEDGABLE AND RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO MAKE THOSE KINDS OF DECISIONS? No they are not and that is why adults protect our children from idiots who say, they are born that way so it must be ok.

In this new world of self love, everything is ok as long as the person believe's it to be ok in his mind. He was born that way, correct? There are no moral values for a society to lift up for the good of our children's future. If it feels good, do it! Like you said, we all have our own beliefs in what is right or wrong, so under your logic if a person deems his behavior is ok, society should just back away and say nothing about it, no matter how much it might hurt our society and our children.

Do you have any idea what a nation will look like with no moral values to hold to? It will be a bankrupt nation I can assure you. Does a bankrupt nation hurt anyone? Our families will be destroyed as we are already seeing. Do broken families hurt anyone?

You are a product of this new political correct nation where the only thing that people say is wrong, is when someone dares speak about morals, and right and wrong!

I just dared speak my opinions of right and wrong and what happened? I was ridiculed for it because you say my beliefs are "wrong". So is there right and wrong when I state my beliefs? Where is your tolerance for my beliefs of right and wrong? When States speak out about Gay marriage being wrong, where is your tolerance for their right's?

You say you would never vote for laws that would force you to pay for sex change operations. LOL, that's what people said about tax payers paying for abortions. People used to say they would never support gay marriage and looK at what you have been conditioned to support. Can you see the slippery slope before your very eyes? The Left is after our young people, in our schools, on the media, conditioning them to think just as you so they can usher in the next big move to a new age transformed America. A nation once founded on Judeo Christian values and now transformed to one of Political correctness where Government will tell you how to think.


I feel so sorry for our children's futures.

Many of our laws were based on our Christian heritage. Many of our culture's moral values were a direct result from that heritage. You represent what happens to a culture when those values are being systematically separated from our public square.

With the Political correct lie of separation of church and state, people start thinking as you, saying right and wrong are in the eye of the beholder. You say our nation no longer need's a moral foundation to strive for, set by God, but rather allow Government to set those political correct moral standards.

How's man doing at setting those moral standards? You just showed us all how we are doing. You said each and every person will decide for themselves what is moral and if people want to have sex with 5o different people each year, getting pregnant over and over, running down to social services to pay for it, etc. etc. you say who has the right to say a thing against it, who can say it is wrong? In your world there is no right or wrong when it comes to these types of lifestyles no matter who it hurts.

People are now saying we no longer need to try and live up to those moral values once expoused as good for our children and our nation. Today is the sexual revolution and to hell with anyone voicing their opposition to this self love culture. That's the new message to our young people.

The message being that Christians who actully try to live by the Bible's words, and speak out on the importance of those moral values, are stupid, ignorant, hateful, judgemental, hypocritical zealots.

Who ever refuses to tow the new transformed America's political correctness are to be humiliated, called homophobes, called haters of women, haters of the poor, etc. etc.

1 point

Sadly, too much of it is generated by ones religious background. It should come naturally without religious "tinkering".

0 points

If you want to be a pervert, you can be a pervert. If you are being a pervert, you can stop being a pervert. If you are not a pervert, don't start being one.

Don't be a pervert and stupid ideas like "sexual orientation" won't confuse you are make you wonder about perverted things.

5 points

If you want to be a Christian, you can be a Christian. If you are being a Christian, you can stop being a Christian. If you are not a Christian, don't start being one.

Don't be a Christian and stupid ideas like "praying to God" won't confuse you are make you wonder about Christian-like things.

This is my favorite post of yours, good job on this one...

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

if you want to be religious, you can be religious and call it being Christian. If you want to go to heaven, you have to be born of the Spirit of God. Only God can make that happen. Only God can make you to be His child. You don't know what you are talking about because you are a fool who believes he has the right to exist outside of Hell and God does not have the right to leave you frying forever like an eternal sausage in the fire.

You don't know what I'm talking about because you are lost. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who perish.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

You don't know what it is to be a Christian. You only know a dictionary definition which is used by people who are not Christians as a label for something they do not understand. You have to be born of the Spirit of God to be a child of God. A real Christian is a child of God. Nobody becomes a child of God by their own's not possible. You can't make yourself into what you are not. You are a dying sinner destined for Hell and only God can change that and will if you repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you really believe on Him, He will be your life and you will have a new heart from God. You will hate sin the same as God hates sin and you will turn away from and against your own sin...but my guess is that you love your own way more than you love life, or you think your own way is life, or whatever.

You need to get saved, that's all there is to it. You are lost, dying, and on your way to Hell and need to be saved from it before it's too late and you can't be saved. I hope you figure this out for yourself.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

If you want to be an atheist and actually believe that our complex DNA just randomly HAPPENED, then be an Atheist. Oh, I forget, how did that first living cell come to be?

If you want to deny biology and pretend that different sexual orienttions are normal, do so.

If you want to call a living growing unborn baby as just a blob of tissue (whose organs can be sold) then defy all humanity and vote Democrat.

If you actually think Government can better spend your own money, then be a Democrat.

If you want to blame the weapon for mass killings, rather than the person or the culture, vote Democrat.

I actually like being a Christian with the wisdom to see through all of man's so called enlightenment. You can live in your judgemental dream world bashing Christians.

Iulmi(252) Disputed
1 point

Pride you took

Pride you feel

Pride that you felt when you'd kneel

Not the word

Not the love

Not what you thought from above


I see faith in your eyes

Never you hear the discouraging lies

I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal

The healing hand held back by the deepened nail

Follow the god that failed.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

That's a stupid poem....I would not be surprised if you wrote it or paid somebody to get it..... dumb stuff. Why people think poetry makes stupidity pretty is a mystery except for the fact that fools love sin more than life, hate God, and love death.

0 points

As I have always stated, I believe in treating every human being with respect and caring. This does not mean we just blindly sanction every orientation as being a normal thing.

For those who think we are all born with our sexual orientation, what do you say about pedophiles who also say they are born liking children? I would think most of us would say that pedophilia is totally wrong even if the children were consenting. So where does that take the argument about being born a certain way? Obviously being born a certain way does not always make it normal or right.

I believe that in this political correct madness of today, people fear even stating the obvious of what is normal and what is not for fear of being called homophobic, etc. Doctors used to believe that certain sexual orientations were disorders but when the PC police started judging any doctor who dared exprsss his beliefs, he was attacked and ridiculed and run out of busness if possible.

We all took biology and I wonder how long before the Political correct extremists start changing our biology books, if they have not already.

I believe our view of sexual orientation today is generated by our media and by the PC thought police. I think peer pressure and the media even supercedes what parents tech their children. Our thoughts are bombrded by political correctness non stop on TV, Hollywood and every other media outlet. Just 10 short years ago, the vast mjority of Americans were totally against Gay marriage. Even Obama and Hillary were against it!

Look what a PC Liberal media can do to a culture in such a short time. Now every single state in our union has been forced to change their marriage laws. Now we have our public schools changing how they do things for transgender kids! Can you imagine we are now shaping our school's procedures on the say so of some child that says he is not the sex he was born to. These are KIDS! They have not even grown old enough to even know who or what they are. This PC madness is very very scary.

How far will America fall down this slippery slope? We can no longer even say a boy is a boy. Soon the tax payers will be paying for a child's sex change operation! You laugh? They were laughing a few years ago.

I repeat before the PC thought police attack me for my beliefs, I love every single person the same no matter who he is, but that does not mean I support changing all our laws to sanction some person or group's agendas.

The people once had a say in our states and expressed their beliefs with a vote, and were not forced to change their laws on the say so of some judge. Our constitution never intended for the people's beliefs to be silenced by one judge.

Iulmi(252) Disputed
1 point

Pride you took

Pride you feel

Pride that you felt when you'd kneel

Not the word

Not the love

Not what you thought from above


I see faith in your eyes

Never you hear the discouraging lies

I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal

The healing hand held back by the deepened nail

Follow the god that failed.

1 point

As I have always stated, I believe in treating every human being with respect and caring.

Do you need me to once again post some of the insults you have said to human beings on this site?

This does not mean we just blindly sanction every orientation as being a normal thing.

Absolutely correct.

For those who think we are all born with our sexual orientation, what do you say about pedophiles who also say they are born liking children?

I say that there is nothing wrong with a person being born with those desires, as long as they don't act on them. If they act on them, even if the child thinks they are consenting, it is of course not ok. How does this relate to sexuality?

Obviously being born a certain way does not always make it normal or right.


Doctors used to believe that certain sexual orientations were disorders

And then they thought about it, learned more, and realized that there is nothing unnatural or inherently hurtful about homosexuality.

We all took biology and I wonder how long before the Political correct extremists start changing our biology books, if they have not already.

How does biology relate?

You've established that nothing is inherently right or wrong here, and we need to therefor examine things more closely. So why do you think that homosexuality is wrong, based on your analysis?

The people once had a say in our states and expressed their beliefs with a vote, and were not forced to change their laws on the say so of some judge. Our constitution never intended for the people's beliefs to be silenced by one judge.

Over 60% of the country is currently in support of gay marriage, just an FYI.

1 point

1. Then why do you ban everyone who disagrees with you and calling them idiots? That's not being respectful at all.

2. Yes that is not what it means but you should see it as a normal thing. Sexual orientation is a birth thing (Which is why even though I was raised Christian and never thought about men in such a way I am still sexually attracted to men, which is why I consider myself Bisexual. Even though I lean more toward women because to me they are more beautiful to look at.)

3. If pedophiles are born liking children then that is way different. Stealing a child's innocence is NOT the same as being homosexual or bisexual. If the children consented well in my opinion, fuck it let the child do what he/she/both/none wants. If he wants a taste of Herbert's Popsicle give it to him. Don't make him wait for it because wisdom does NOT come with years. Which is why I have never gotten age related restrictions.

4. In politics there is no such thing as right. Same with religion and beliefs. It is just a state of mind and the way one thinks.

5. You are still using the word extremist wrong.

6. Media is allowed to express what it wants. Simply because it's privately owned.

7. I would never vote for having to be taxed for operations like that. What should be taxed for is life saving operations. Because are you really that greedy that you won't give up a couple hundred to save a person's life

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You just said it all in your statement...." In politics there is no such thing as right. Same with religion and beliefs. It is just a state of mind and the way one thinks."

That kind of self love thinkng will be the end of America as we know it. Under your logic, there is no right or wrong, it's just a state of mind so therefore anything goes as long as you are not hurting anyone, correct?

So tell me does it hurt tax payers and our nation when people constantly have one night hook ups, getting pregnant numerous times, living on welfare, the guy walks away from his child,? Is that ok in your "no right or wrong" philosophy on life? These people living irresponsibly will make the same ludicrous excuses as you. They will say we were born liking sex and will do so no matter what. In that self love world does the child get hurt? Does our nation get hurt with the cost of welfare?

You are the next genertion with even a lower bar of morality. You even say it is ok for men to have sex with children if they consent! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK KIDS ARE KNOWLEDGABLE AND RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO MAKE THOSE KINDS OF DECISIONS? No they are not and that is why adults protect our children from idiots who say, they are born that way so it must be ok.

In this new world of self love, everything is ok as long as the person believe's it to be ok in his mind. He was born that way, correct? There are no moral values for a society to lift up for the good of our children's future. If it feels good, do it! Like you said, we all have our own beliefs in what is right or wrong, so under your logic if a person deems his behavior is ok, society should just back away and say nothing about it, no matter how much it might hurt our society and our children.

Do you have any idea what a nation will look like with no moral values to hold to? It will be a bankrupt nation I can assure you. Does a bankrupt nation hurt anyone? Our families will be destroyed as we are already seeing. Do broken families hurt anyone?

You are a product of this new political correct nation where the only thing that people say is wrong, is when someone dares speak about morals, and right and wrong!

I just dared speak my opinions of right and wrong and what happened? I was ridiculed for it because you say my beliefs are "wrong". So is there right and wrong when I state my beliefs? Where is your tolerance for my beliefs of right and wrong? When States speak out about Gay marriage being wrong, where is your tolerance for their right's?

You say you would never vote for laws that would force you to pay for sex change operations. LOL, that's what people said about tax payers paying for abortions. People used to say they would never support gay marriage and looK at what you have been conditioned to support. Can you see the slippery slope before your very eyes? The Left is after our young people, in our schools, on the media, conditioning them to think just as you so they can usher in the next big move to a new age transformed America. A nation once founded on Judeo Christian values and now transformed to one of Political correctness where Government will tell you how to think.


I feel so sorry for our children's futures.