
Debate Info

GOD is a liberal GOD LOVES Trump
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:40
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 GOD is a liberal (7)
 GOD LOVES Trump (15)

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excon(18262) pic

Hurricans hit the south. Right wingers live in the south. Is GOD sending them a message?

GOD is a liberal

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 21
0 points

Well, Jesus was the consummate liberal, but, I don't think he's got anything to do with this. Mother Nature, though, just MAY be getting pissed! It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature! She'll win every time!

What someone said a few days ago … "What goes around, comes around!" …. (let's see … who WAS that??) No matter. The money saved by conservatives by NOT reducing pollution, by NOT listening to 90% of the world, will have to be paid out over and over as the storms get WORSE! We've had …. what … 26, "500 year storms" in a decade! ('couple'a 1000 year ones too!) I'm waiting for Mara Lago to get a direct hit! (OR … go under the rising sea level ;-)! Oh, well, Trump has other golf courses away from the coast. HE won't wake up if he finds a boat on the White House lawn! He'll repeat his famous saying "Who's boat is this boat????" Dumb as a Conch!

Side: GOD is a liberal
Bronto(2002) Disputed
1 point

Well, Jesus was the consummate liberal

Cool. Can we jump the border wall and enter Heaven illegally?

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

You can jump anything you want, illegally, Jesus won't help you, he's dead. You COULD show more respect for what was (allegedly) a fine man ….. on BOTH sides.

Side: GOD is a liberal
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Grandpaw the SOCIALIST rambles again today !

Grandpaw can you answer a question ? You are not to bright but you can try right ?

Grandpaw where do the hurricanes come from that enter the Atlantic Ocean ?

Grandpaw it is easy to answer !!!!!!!!!!

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Well, Jesus was the consummate liberal, but, I don't think he's got anything to do with this. Mother Nature, though, just MAY be getting pissed! It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature! She'll win every time!

What someone said a few days ago … "What goes around, comes around!" …. (let's see … who WAS that??) No matter. The money saved by conservatives by NOT reducing pollution, by NOT listening to 90% of the world, will have to be paid out over and over as the storms get WORSE! We've had …. what … 26, "500 year storms" in a decade! ('couple'a 1000 year ones too!) I'm waiting for Mara Lago to get a direct hit! (OR … go under the rising sea level ;-)! Oh, well, Trump has other golf courses away from the coast. HE won't wake up if he finds a boat on the White House lawn! He'll repeat his famous saying "Who's boat is this boat????" Dumb as a Conch!

What a SOCIALIST unhinged rant by the CONFUSED GRANDPAW LMMFAO !

Grandpaw have your SOCIALIST politicians reduced their carbon foot print in any way ? Grandpaw do you realize that your GOD Obie saved the earth from hurricanes during his 8 years as the Healer of the Earth ? Just being elected your GOD Obie saved the planet and your GOD Obie stopped the rising of the seas by his presence in the Oval Office !

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Grandpaw are all those that signed up to the Paris Accord doing their part to save your earth from what you fear ???????????

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
2 points

No. I have family in Panama City, who are right wingers but it isn't God sending them a message any more than it was God sending a message to those hit by Florence or any other hurricane we may get. Let's just worry about the people who are going to be affected by this without turning it into something vicious. I hope there won't be any lives lost.

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Jewel as the Leftist you are can you tell me where the hurricanes come from that enter the Atlantic Ocean ?????????

Side: GOD is a liberal
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
2 points

Well you see, when a mommy hurricane and a daddy hurricane love each other very much.......

Seriously are you asking me how hurricanes are made? Bless your heart.

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
0 points

Let's just worry about the people who are going to be affected by this without turning it into something vicious.

Hello Mint:

I dunno if I'm turning it into something vicious, or reporting on the viciousness.

Kevin Swanson, the Christian pastor who once recommended that all LGBT people be literally stoned to death, has said that Hurricane Harvey is god’s judgement on cities that have embraced “sexual perversion.”


Side: GOD LOVES Trump
2 points

Kevin Swanson, the Christian pastor who once recommended that all LGBT people be literally stoned to death

That kind of makes anything else that schmuck says irrelevant. I remember when Hurricane Harvey hit and there was massive flooding, Joel Osteen shut the church doors on Harvey victims seeking shelter. It's at times of crisis that you find out who is a true religious leader and who is merely a wolf in sheep clothing, so to speak.

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
1 point

The last time Democrats tried this claim, it hit Houston, which is liberal as hell.

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
1 point

Hurricans(?) hit the south. Right wingers live in the south. Is GOD sending them a message?

SUPER STUPID do you have spell check ? ROTFFLMMFAO ! You are a GENIUS !

SUPER STUPID when you can figure out where the HURRICANS (LMMFAO) come from that enter the Atlantic Ocean then get back to me otherwise STFU !

Side: GOD LOVES Trump
1 point

God Loves Everyone!

Hurricanes develop apolitically.

What may occur, is that disaster strikes somewhere and people lose hope.

People are so demoralized that they turn to God, for hope.

Cause and Effect!

Side: GOD LOVES Trump