
Debate Info

I feel that too Nah
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 I feel that too (3)
 Nah (4)

Debate Creator

jonathangoh(1726) pic

I feel that many people have not being using createdebate for a long time

I feel that too

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4

hmm the force is strong in this one

Side: I feel that too

Like masterkage and axmeister and More .

Side: I feel that too

Yeah...I think so. I've actually had an account here for about half a year but never used it until a couple weeks ago.

I've seen many people that have just joined. They don't have a very good debate style.

Side: I feel that too
1 point

What ? That can't be!

Side: Nah
1 point

How dare they! lol

Side: Nah

I believe many people sometimes take breaks once in a while so that they won`t get bored but even if breaks happen between them, new members join so the community increases.

Side: Nah
1 point

It's just people taking breaks, and I don't blame them, I've done it myself. Sometimes there are more important things in people's lives than CD, I know it sounds crazy, because it's CD, but it's true.

Side: Nah