
Debate Info

God wins by default Youre no closer to proving god
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:20
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 God wins by default (2)
 Youre no closer to proving god (8)

Debate Creator

AveSatanas(4443) pic

If Evolution is proven false then...

God wins by default

Side Score: 2

Youre no closer to proving god

Side Score: 10
0 points

It's the last logical explanation.

Side: God wins by default
Thejackster(518) Disputed
0 points

If there is evidence found that clarifys this in the future, then sure, but most likely will never happen and there, as of today is no more proven to be fact. To go with "God did it"would be like taking a fill in the blank question and when the most likely answer is proven to be false, you simply insert an answer with literally nothing to do with the questions topic. You should take the time to research and find the correct answer based on observable facts, and until then leave the answer blank.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
0 points

Dude, you can't assume that he actually means anything he says, be careful.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
Intangible(4934) Disputed
0 points

The stories recorded in the bible are plenty of evidence. People just refuse to accept it.

Side: God wins by default

We would have to look for any other possible theories proven and backed up by examinable evidence, not immediatley go, "Must have been God." and stop there. There is also the theory of panspermia that has some credibility to it, but not enough.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
2 points

Totally correct. The problem with creationism isn't that it isn't true, because no one has a lock on the truth, but that the argument for it is usually something like "we're too dumb to think of another explanation, so this must be it". You don't prove your theory right by proving other theories wrong, you still have to provide some evidence that your theory is correct.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god

If Evolution is false, there can be another theory out there to be discussed.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
0 points

Then maybe creationists are right

Three Creationists walk into a bar, get really drunk and decide to test out this "evolution" thing for themselves. So they sneak into a farm late at night.

One of them takes a cat and fish and spends an hour trying to press them together. He gives up and says, "Nope, still no catfish."

The other emerges from the chicken coop an hour later and zips up his pants. "Nope, still no Big Bird."

The third one emerges from the stables, wincing and rubbing his sore ass. "Nope, still no centaur."

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
0 points

That sounds like some amazing erotica.

Side: Youre no closer to proving god
0 points

Ha Ha those cats like to party , and whatever floats your boat we won't judge ...

Side: Youre no closer to proving god