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 If God is real... (37)

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Emperor(1340) pic

If God is real...

Why do innocent children get raped?



Why doesn't God save them?

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Uh, you should read the bible. It's called original sin. Because Adam and Eve ate form the tree of life, mankind is fallen by nature. There's no such thing as innocent child.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Mankind includes children?

That's sad.

Why would something consider children to be tainted?

TudorRose(117) Disputed
1 point

Uh actually the concept of Original Sin is not directly inherent in the Bible. It was developed by St. Augustine of Hippo in the fifth century AD.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
2 points

I thought the Genesis story was the reason behind it. If that's why mankind was kicked out of Eden, and that's older than St. Augustine, then I'd say it's biblically sound

2 points

Because then he would of had to stop himself from raping Mary

Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

What? God didn't rape Mary...

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

God doesn't exist, so Mary, if she even existed, likely cheated on her husband, or was raped.

have you ever heard of human nature? and free will? I hate how people act like if there is a god it HAS to involve itself with us, thats stupid, scientists dont intervene in their experiments, so why would god?

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Did that little girl have free will when she was raped and forced to have the child because she lived in a religious country where abortion was outlawed?

If your god doesn't protect everyone's free will, then that god is evil.

0 points

religion is of the devil, so, i am not going to comment on that, if god protected peoples free will then we wouldnt learn to forgive and move on and we would be stuck in the past, and if we are seeking revenge, we are stuck in the future, i live in the now

1 point

I agree, you provided worthless links I didn't even click on first to affirm they indeed are worthless. Still haven't clicked on them.

Still not. Never will.

To prove what the bible says is real you may not use anything that originates from the bible. Should be simple enough to understand why...

2 points

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

his love endures forever."

That was what the first link says.

Sooooo yeah, God is basically Hitler, but a lot worse.

Raping children is considered good, and children are considered tainted.

So God is purely evil, despite what his insane propaganda says.

Supporting Evidence: Religion. (
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

The debate was based on the idea that God is already real... that doesn't, however, mean that it is referring to the Christian God but is instead requiring/allowing "divine" reasoning to answer the question.

This was not a debate about the divinity of the Bible.

1 point

I am a Muslim and I do really believe in God and in his power on us. However, I am the kind of person who thinks that what is we are living now is not the real life and is just the examination ,where you actually,can do whatever you want,take and give whatever and whenever you wish but then you will have to pay total amount for everything you have done. Here's the case where people start to doubt in his kindness and justice but the main point is that everything happens for a reason and if that poor little girl was raped ,God actually wanted that happen. Moreover,what's the most important part here is that her soul automatically will fly into the paradise.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

But this is the real life. You have no proof that it isn't, and a lot of proof it is.

If this isn't the real life, what is, and how do you know it is real?

If this is the real life, then are you wasting it by thinking it's not real?

0 points

You have no proof that this is "real" IF reality is just an illusion, that would mean SOMEONE knows, people like me and you, who dont want us figuring that out, so they will do ANYTHING in their power to make you believe this is all "true" reality

just look at all the discoveries being made in science: different universes/dimensions, this reality has by far, got to be the WORST, aka a living hell

no we are not wasting time we are trying to make evryone realize this but people dont want to believe it, but if you would listen to your intuition and emotions, you would FEEL that its real, and dont say thats baloney because that is what the right hemisphere of our brain is for, and the devil (The state) is trying to take that from us

This is a pondering question and I don't think anyone can provide the right answer.