
Debate Info

It's CRAZY, but they WOULD Right wingers unnerstand shit
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 It's CRAZY, but they WOULD (1)
 Right wingers unnerstand shit (3)

Debate Creator

excon(18261) pic

If I said I like green, would our resident right wingers attack me for HATING blue?

It's CRAZY, but they WOULD

Side Score: 2

Right wingers unnerstand shit

Side Score: 3
1 point

Just don't say you like brown … or black … or red … or yellow, and they probably won't attack you. Say you only like WHITE, and they'll completely change their mind about you. :-)

Side: It's CRAZY, but they WOULD
Hrisovala(51) Disputed
1 point

We don't care about skin color. It's leftists who have kept the country from going color blind. Liking minorities like pets isn't a moral position. It's actually pretty damn sick.

Side: Right wingers unnerstand shit
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Road Island AL now this will be confusing for you ! Are the any WHITES in the Leftist Party ????

Side: Right wingers unnerstand shit
1 point

-You've said you like capitalism. I gave no objection.

-You said you weren't open borders. I didn't object to your position.

-You said there has always been a welcome sign. I told you to pound sand.

Some things you say are logic based. Some are clearly emotional and usually based in idealism rather than being a grownup.

Side: Right wingers unnerstand shit