
Debate Info

Dah Nyet
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 Dah (6)
 Nyet (15)

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excon(18261) pic

If lefty's are "allied" with Islam, aren't right wingers "allied" with Russia?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 19

Mitt Romney claimed Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat in the world. Obama and Liberals mocked him and Conservatives for saying so. Now they are trying to spin that we are pro Russia. Really? Nevermind that Democrats and Russia got a little cozy on terms of uranium deals...

Supporting Evidence: We scrutinized Russia. Libs mocked us. (
Side: Dah
1 point

Obama and Liberals mocked him

That's rather different from the rhetoric you were using during Trump's election campaign, when you kept insisting that Hillary was about to start a war with Russia.

Side: Nyet
2 points

That's rather different from the rhetoric you were using during Trump's election campaign, when you kept insisting that Hillary was about to start a war with Russia

Hillary didn't win because her base and her weren't ideologically alligned. She claimed to be a moderate, a progressive, a Goldwater girl, and that Robert Byrd was her mentor. She said that she had a private and a public position, as we found out per wikileaks. She also threatened to start a war with Iran. She claimed to be a Methodist, then excluded "under God" from the pledge at events, and took both pro and anti abortion stances. She was like Hitler. No one knew what the hell she really was on any given day.

She also isn't Obama or most Liberals. That's why he, Obama, got 10,000,000 more votes than her.

Supporting Evidence: Hillary: We will attack Iran (
Side: Dah
1 point

Ooh, burn! That's what the fuck I keep on asking........................................................

Side: Dah
1 point

I don't see "lefties" as being "allied" with Islam. Our Constitution is what we are "allied" with. We accept ALL religions ... or none ... as long as their practices stay within our laws, within our country. I don't know of any "lefties" that condone Sharia law, at least any part of it that is against said Constitution, and that will not change We don't condone any part of the Bible that does not adhere to our Constitution either!

I don't know how many "righties" are allied with Russia. I DO know that our President is MUCH cozier with a proven enemy than I wish he was, and he is NOT alone!

Side: Nyet

If you ask most libs about Islam, they'll defend Muslims, defend Islam itself, or portray Christianity in a negative light.

If you ask a Conservative about Russia, they won't defend Russia, defend Russians, or demonize another group to defend Russia. They'll simply say Trump was not involved in a conspiracy with them because we have still seen nerry an iota of evidence, but the evidence otherwise keeps piling up in the opposite direction.

Side: Nyet
1 point

The left wing is not allied to Islam. No sane person would defend ISIS or

Al-Qaeda, and Islam is just as bad as Christianity, if not worse. At least Christianity has modernised itself. But because we think Muslims shouldn't be treated as second-class citizens, or shouldn't be ostracized by racists, doesn't mean we accept Islam's horrific teachings.

And I'm pretty sure conservatives aren't allied with Russia. Trump may be Putin's puppet, but conservatives would never ally with America's biggest enemy of the late 20th Century

Side: Nyet