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True Super true
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 True (1)
 Super true (3)

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PickleHole(46) pic

If the left loses minority support, it'll throw minorities in the trash & pivot

Minorities are finding a new political home with the Republican Party

As Black Voters Sour on Biden, Will They Abandon the Democrats?

Their decadeslong loyalty to the party was already beginning to show signs of becoming weaker.


Side Score: 1

Super true

Side Score: 4
1 point

If the left loses minority support, it'll throw minorities in the trash & pivot


So, if the dems lose the midterms, they'll become right wingers and hate black people too??



Side: True
pizzathehut(41) Disputed
2 points

Name a prominent American right winger that hates Candace Owens, Allen West, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, etc. None? Now back to the topic. You've disowned every black person who hasn't voted Democrat. If a minority bloc votes Republican, you keep them from fleeing Cuba. You'll do the same to black people.

Side: Super true
HermesButt(21) Disputed
1 point

So, if the dems lose the midterms, they'll become right wingers and hate black people

Name a time in history where Democrats didn't try to put blacks and whites in seperate dorms. I'll wait.

Side: Super true
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