
Debate Info

This That
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 This (3)
 That (3)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

If you could time travel where/when would u go & what would u do?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
1 point

I would go back to when Yeshua was on the cross for my sins, and thank Him. I really love Him.....................................................................................

Side: This
1 point

Seventy thousand years ago our species was nearly wiped out in a massive super volcanic eruption. It is estimated that we were reduced to just a few thousand breeding pairs.

In the celestial blink of an eye, we've redefined impossibility. We've eradicated diseases. Split atoms. We achieved flight, and then only a little more than half a century later, we put a man on the fucking moon.

Seriously think about that. Look outside. Someone has stood and walked around on that big rock, and we put him there. And not that long ago we were almost eradicated.

I'm envious of whoever's going to be around to see what things look like in another seventy thousand years and beyond. That's where I would go.

Side: This
1 point

I'd travel to the end of the universe and watch all the stars die and the planets burn.

Side: That
0 points

I would go quite a bit forward, take notes, and then come back to now .

Side: That