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Debate Score:11
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jolie(9809) pic

If you lock a Muslim in a shed with a bacon sandwich - How long before he eats i

I'm not advocating we lock people in sheds, I'm
just curious.
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1 point

If you lock a Christian in a shed with a bacon sandwich during Lent - How long before he eats it?

1 point

I would have already eaten it, slaughtered another hog and tossed some eggs on top.

1 point

If you lock a vegetarian atheist in a shed with a bacon sandwich - How long before he eats it?

1 point

He'd pick the lettuce off first, whine like a hound, and give in to his canine thirst for meat. He will convince himself that Darwinism put those jagged teeth there for a reason to justify the pig eat.

1 point

If you lock a Korean in a shed with a dog sandwich - How long before he eats it?

1 point

Depends how hungry he is. If he's hungry, about 30 seconds.

1 point

If you lock a cannibal in a shed with a clown sandwich - How long before he eats it?

I hear clowns taste funny ;)

hmm.. survival is the basic instinct of any human being, and hence I feel the person will end up eating bacon, irrespective of religion. But that doesn't rule out the possibility of people starving themselves to death. The title of this debate, I feel , is very arbitrary as no one can generalize anything..

1 point

Hello J:

What are you, 12?????????????????????????????????????????


DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

EX VET no way can someone have a little fun with the Muslims. Muslims are a religion of peace as the way you Democrats view it.

1 point

Immediately. All he has to do is declare he's married to it and then he can do whatever he wants with it. But then if he ever gets out of the shed he has to cover it up with a napkin at all times.