
Debate Info

He's Insane He's Mad
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:9
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 He's Insane (2)
 He's Mad (3)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

In Response To FoamWithin's Challenge To Find Him A Dictator Who Cares About Babies.

He's Insane

Side Score: 3

He's Mad

Side Score: 3

Oh now, will you look at that? It looks like all dictators care or pretend to care about babies. It's actually part of being a dictator.

Side: He's Insane
-2 points
1 point

Here are some facts for you...

Your "facts" have no relevance to the idiotic claim you made that dictators do not like babies. They have no relevance and so one must conclude the only reason you have posted them is to try to derail the fact that you are/were completely and utterly wrong.

Ignore. Don't auto-ban me from your debates and then expect to participate in mine you horrible monster of a man.

Side: He's Mad

Also, just so we're clear: you would not know what a fact was even if it choked you unconscious with a coat hanger.

Side: He's Mad
1 point

First - a dictator supporting something is not an ipso facto case against it. Hitler was against smoking, and for mental and physical education - that is not a good case that smoking is good and education is bad.

Second - as FW points out, the Reich was as against abortion and contraceptives for couples they saw as "fit" as they were against those they thought of as "unfit" having children. Contraception and abortion were becoming more accepted in the pre-Nazi era, the Nazis reversed course and cracked down on those for healthy Aryans.

Side: He's Mad
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